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Find the virus source

Postby bill on Sun Sep 12, 2004 11:15 am

I'm getting three or four infected e-mails (w32 lovegate) sent my way every day now. Is there a way to track down the original sender so I can notify them that their infected? Maybe through some type of IP search. I'm not very knowledgable on the subject so details would be appreciated. TIA
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Postby smartin4 on Mon Sep 13, 2004 6:34 pm

If this one is like the Netsky virus (or any number of others), it would be pretty hard to track down the "original" sender. Viruses tend to "spoof" e-mail addresses that it gets from an infected person's address book or contacts.

One version of Netsky was a real pesky one in that it would show up on a daily basis for more than a month (Norton A/V for Exchange stripped it before it infected anyone at work) and would show up as coming from the company CFO, CEO, etc, and you would even get some from yourself!

Turned out it was one of the salesmen who "caught" it while on a buying trip overseas, and because he wasn't hooked up to our network for virus def updates, his laptop got infected and sent a bunch of bogus messages to everyone in our Global Address List, as well as all of his contacts.
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Postby bill on Mon Sep 13, 2004 7:16 pm

Was afraid that might be the case. I'll just settle for being happy with Norton intercepting the virus.

Thank you for helping out.
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