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Technical Dual Layer Question


Technical Dual Layer Question

Postby jberry on Sun Sep 05, 2004 9:23 pm

As I have posted before, my Verbatim dual layer burns have been great...play on all players tested on so far (using LG 4120b bitset to DVD-ROM). My issue was that the LG DVD-ROM combo drive in my machine will not play the burn (says no media)....plays pressed DVDs fine of course and single layer DVD burns fine.

my real question is why do my set-top players, all at least 3 yrs old play the dual layer +R burns while my DVD-ROM combo drive, which is 6 mos old, does not.

There must be a reason why the set-tops play and the computer one does not....in addition, my neighbour has a 4 yrd old panasonic which played the burned one perfectly....

what is there intrinsically on the 4 yr old panasonic that will let it play the burned dual layer that the computer one will not...this is not a real problem but is sort of neat....I can see some people returning DL burning units because of this....very curious

Must be a technical reason as to why the set-tops play them....neat issue
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Re: Technical Dual Layer Question

Postby thegdog on Mon Sep 06, 2004 1:21 am

jberry wrote:As I have posted before, my Verbatim dual layer burns have been great...play on all players tested on so far (using LG 4120b bitset to DVD-ROM). My issue was that the LG DVD-ROM combo drive in my machine will not play the burn (says no media)....plays pressed DVDs fine of course and single layer DVD burns fine.

my real question is why do my set-top players, all at least 3 yrs old play the dual layer +R burns while my DVD-ROM combo drive, which is 6 mos old, does not.

It might just be that the laser on your LG DVD-ROM is having trouble with the DL media.

Since you said its bitset to DVD-ROM, you've ruled out that possible issue.

You might also check to see if your LG DVD-ROM has a firmware upgrade that works around this issue.
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Postby jberry on Mon Sep 06, 2004 8:18 am

thanks...I tried the firmware thing....no luck

Also tried at 3 houses on my street...NO cimputer DVD-ROM could read it, but all set-tops could....this is very strange....I wonder if it is the case for some reason that computer DVD-ROMS will not be able to read this DL stuff for some reason....I hope someone can figure this out....as I said before, no big deal, but is is very strange.
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Postby jberry on Tue Sep 07, 2004 9:19 am

well....made another DL project on the weekend...perfect in set-top....in fact a colleague has a "1st generation" toshia, which he claims is 5 yrs old (looks it)....even this unit plays them....made long before the DL spec was even an idea.

Totally bizarre....have the DL specs even been finalized yet? I have yet to find a computer based DVD-ROM that will recognize the burned DVD. DL writers can read them as well as set-tops (I have tested 11 set-tops, including Honda Odyssey!!!!).

Anyone have an idea as to what is going on here? It may not seem like much, but imagine someone making a DL DVD and then going on a trip only to find that their laptop will not play it.

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Postby Wesociety on Tue Sep 07, 2004 4:38 pm

DVD-ROM/DVDRW drives don't just look at the booktype ONLY of a disc.
They also read various other information and can determine the actual disc type. (seperately from the booktype).
It is usually necessary for the manufacturer to specifically add support for DVD+R DL discs with a new firmware.
Comparitively, set-top standalone players usually only read the booktype to determine playability.
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Postby jberry on Wed Sep 08, 2004 11:08 am

Thanks....I guess set-top performance is all that matters really...but you shouldn't need to go get a new DVD-ROm...
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