Because I wanted to copy a single 733Mb file to CD, I tried CD-DVD Speed with a TDK CD media. It defaulted for testing 90 minutes, and then when finished implied 90 minutes was too short. I tried entering 100 min, 99 min, 95 min ... but all these values were rejected (... some type of illegal parameter message).
So ... I decided 90 minutes was fine, relative to 733Mb being an equivelent 83 minutes ... and enabled overburn. However, the burned failed with a returned error message which implied (paraphrasing) the write could not be finalized (... which I might assume may have to do with writing some type of header on the CD(?) ...).
Please advise ..
1st EDIT: I have read messages that imply some drives are overburn capable and some are not. I have just run Infotool and the results make no call ... how would I know?
2nd EDIT: I cannot start a scandisk test. The "start" button is ghosted with a data CD in the drive (?)
3rd EDIT: Disregard 2nd EDIT ... the CD need data