I have a little problem whit bitsetting on my GSA-4120B. The booktype changing doesn't work at all. I have tried A104 and N0AD firmwares and i am using the newest version of nero(x.x.x.20). I have also tried DVDinfopro software but if i set booktype to DVD-ROM That dowsn't work. After burning DVDinfopro says that the booktype is DVD+RW. I have also copied that Alexnoe's patch into the neso:s foldet and ran that.
Drive works otherwise very goon and that DVD+RW disc works very good, but the bitsetting doesn't work. Also DVD-RA discs works very good.
Newet ASPI is installed. And the disc is Maxell DVD+RW.
I am from Finland and my english isn't so good, byt i guess that it doesnt matter
Maybe someone on this forum could help me