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Newbie Questions about DVDR formats and DL


Newbie Questions about DVDR formats and DL

Postby paraiso36 on Tue Aug 24, 2004 2:49 pm

Good day,

My currently Asus CDRW drive is starting to fail ( it is beginning to freeze during a write process at about 80% of completion )...My first thought is...My God...this drives are really disposables..it has no more than 6 months of normal usage...Well due to the low cost of a DVDR drive I think it would be a good moment to buy one....In my country there are a lot of DVDR dual format 8x drives with acceptable cost.. There is also the LG DVDR12X DL+ drive, nearly the same cost as the 8x dual format ones..Well, what I have last mention create my two most important questions,

1.- Here nobody has been able to tell me whats the difference between + and - formats..Why there are two formats?...Whats the main difference ( I have read + is more accurate )...I know that almost all DVDRW drives supports both formats, but this question opens the next one,

2.- Today then new LG drive supports DL+ system..What about the -? Is it possible that in a few months we are going to see the new LG DL+/- drive...In others words, why is it possible to sell a DVD with DL+ technology and not DL-?..Is it a marketing point or a tech one?..Is it better then to buy a cheaper normal dual format 8x drive and wait for the new DL+/- ones?..
..Please enlight me!!!..Thanks for your time..
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Postby Shredder on Tue Aug 24, 2004 6:13 pm

Answers to your questions can easily be found by searching this forum and the web.
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Postby MrDisco on Tue Aug 24, 2004 8:00 pm

man that is such a lame answer. really why do people bother? is it to increase their post count? if you dont feel like answering then why bother posting? i think most people are aware of google (it did ipo after all) but perhaps the info they found was more geek talk instead of english.

i'm curious too..why isn't there a DL- format? is it in the works or is it technically not possible (or even needed)?

following in the newbie tradition i'm also curious - how do you read all those graphs that are posted from reviews?
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Postby Ian on Tue Aug 24, 2004 8:08 pm

MrDisco wrote:man that is such a lame answer. really why do people bother? is it to increase their post count? if you dont feel like answering then why bother posting? i think most people are aware of google (it did ipo after all) but perhaps the info they found was more geek talk instead of english.

The question has been asked a zillion times and the answer is there. Most are just too lazy to look.

i'm curious too..why isn't there a DL- format? is it in the works or is it technically not possible (or even needed)?

There is. Pioneer is working on it. It's just not ready yet.

following in the newbie tradition i'm also curious - how do you read all those graphs that are posted from reviews?

Which ones? CD Speed? KProbe?
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Postby ruderacer on Tue Aug 24, 2004 8:36 pm

I'm not an expert when it comes to these questions, but I would suggest the following:

First ask yourself what is it that you will be burning the most CDs or DVDs.

If you are not into burning movies or really don't have a need for a DVD burner at this time, then buy a CD burner as they are really inexpensive. I have a LiteOn 52x24x52, an older one, and I've had it for over a year and a half and have not had any problems.

Or, if you must, go ahead and buy yourself one of the well known brands of 8x, 12x, or 16x DVD burners.

I myself am waiting for the prices to settle when it comes to these new high speed DVDs burners with DL.

As to which of these DVD burners are the best, well, you'll have to do some research and read the reviews to make-up your own mind and/or follow the advise from some of the more knowledgeable members.

Good luck.
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Postby paraiso36 on Tue Aug 24, 2004 9:29 pm

Well thanks,

Really I am aware that the answer must be among all forum pages.. I read some of them with no sucess...Without an intention to fight, may be it isnt lazy the concept..I dont know why the search system doesnt work in this PC so I have to search page by page and I really dont have the time to do so..You know I work all day and as civil engineering I also have to travel a lot...so I have a few hours at night to play ( my long passion ) and to look at tech themes, something that I also love...Not all of us have the time to spend in this excellent site ( I wish I would ) page by page...so maybe I wasnt expecting an answer but maybe a useful link..There is nothing better than self-study but also some answers may hide lot of ignorance...Well enough of this "bore" talk....I will try to search more thoroughly..Thanks for all your time :D
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Postby MrDisco on Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:02 pm

Ian wrote:
following in the newbie tradition i'm also curious - how do you read all those graphs that are posted from reviews?

Which ones? CD Speed? KProbe?

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Postby Shredder on Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:19 pm

MrDisco wrote:man that is such a lame answer. really why do people bother?

And your reply is any better? Is it so hard to type in a few key words in search? Seriously though, what is non-lame way to answer paraiso36's question on DVD formats which has been asked and answered, and subjective/objective depending his/her use? As for DVD- DL, there are several threads where you can find answers like this which is on the first page of DVD Recordable forum and a few more by searching forum.

paraiso36 wrote:Really I am aware that the answer must be among all forum pages.. I read some of them with no sucess...Without an intention to fight, may be it isnt lazy the concept..I dont know why the search system doesnt work in this PC so I have to search page by page and I really dont have the time to do so..You know I work all day and as civil engineering I also have to travel a lot...so I have a few hours at night to play ( my long passion ) and to look at tech themes, something that I also love...Not all of us have the time to spend in this excellent site ( I wish I would ) page by page...

Searching isn't too hard or time consuming. Just type in "dvd format" in google or any other search engines you prefer using.

Here's a link to google search of "dvd format" for an example.

Here's one of many results retrieved by google showing brief information.
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Postby MrDisco on Wed Aug 25, 2004 9:45 am

i apologize for my outburst and take my comments. i was in a crappy mood yesterday. yes you guys are right more basic searches should be taken first.
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