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Nero will not burn

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Nero will not burn

Postby Flying_dolphin on Sat Jul 31, 2004 2:40 pm

I have Nero Burning Rom (5.5 something). It burns data CDs fine, although it's always had some trouble with music CDs. Now, though, it won't burn my music CDs altogether. Whenever I try, it starts the burn process, and then tells me it "Cannot read this file (C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\NER4AC10029.wav)" (the filename is usually slightly different, and once I was told instead that the file format wasn't supported), and the burn process fails. I have contacted Tech Support several times and have receieved a useless response every time--at first, I was told that drivers from other burning software on my system were causing problems (I've never had any other burning software) and to download Driver-CleanTool from a provided link, which I did. When I ran it, it got about halfway and then gave me the error message "Driver-cleantool has caused an error in KERNEL32.DLL. Driver-cleantool will now close." I wrote back and was then told to search for two files and rename them to filename.old; neither file seems to exist on my system. I wrote back again and was told to get the free 5.5 upgrade from the Nero site, which I did. Nothing has changed. I am sick to death of contacting Nero and getting no real answers. Can anyone help?
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Postby dodecahedron on Sat Jul 31, 2004 4:08 pm


i suggest uninstalling nero, cleaning the registry with dedicated registry cleaning tools from Ahead's website (not the driver clean tool, but General clean tool and/or Nero 5 clean tool).

then reinstall.
hopefully that'll help.

as a Tolkien buff, rather knowledgeable even if i do say so myself, where the heck is Annundwyn ?
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Postby Flying_dolphin on Sat Jul 31, 2004 4:31 pm

dodecahedron wrote:weird.

i suggest uninstalling nero, cleaning the registry with dedicated registry cleaning tools from Ahead's website (not the driver clean tool, but General clean tool and/or Nero 5 clean tool).

then reinstall.
hopefully that'll help.

Thanks, I'll try that.

dodecahedron wrote:as a Tolkien buff, rather knowledgeable even if i do say so myself, where the heck is Annundwyn ?

Oh... :lol: It's not...it's a place I made up. Not even supposed to be in Middle-earth.
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Postby dodecahedron on Sun Aug 01, 2004 12:50 am

make sure you have the Nero 5.5 serial number handy.

if your computer came with Nero pre-installed, you may have to dig it out of the registry.
you must do this before using any clean tool!
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Postby Flying_dolphin on Wed Aug 04, 2004 2:35 pm

Got the serial number, never needed to use it. Odd.

Anyway, Nero can burn now...sort of. The last two times I've tried, it gets partway through (rather than not starting altogether, which is what it was doing before) and then has a "focus or tracking error" and again the burn process fails. Any other ideas?
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Postby dodecahedron on Wed Aug 04, 2004 4:04 pm

time to contact Nero tech support.

or hopefully Craig Campbell will see this topic and try to help.
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Postby CCampbell on Wed Aug 04, 2004 4:42 pm

Hi Flying_Dolphin,

Your issues appear to be all over the place here. Which can slow down the debugging process.

First off, the error message you received where it stated: "Cannot read this file (C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\NER4AC10029.wav)"

This WAV file is created by Nero when creating an audio CD from audio files such as MP3, VQF, WMA, etc. Nero converts it to wav in a temp file, then burns it to CD in CDA format and removes the file from the temp folder.

The error message could be anything from bad blocks on the Hard drive, driver conflicts during the conversion process, a corrupted source audio file, or an old version of Nero. Or even a failed install of Nero. The last two issues would have been addressed by following the steps laid out by Dodecahedron.

But now you are reporting a "Focus servo Error" or "Track Following Error". Both errors are related to hardware errors 99% of the time and you can get one error one time and the other another time as the cause for both errors are the same.

Poor media; Poor Power to the Recorder; dust on the media or optical head of the recorder; damage to the media such as scratches; old firmware for the recorder so that it does not use the proper read and write strategies for the media; and last a defective Recorder that needs service.

Now there is that 1% chance you have a software conflict on your system. The easiest way to rule this out is to take your recorder and Nero to another system and see if you have the same issue there. If it's a driver or software conflict, it's not likely to occur on two different systems.


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Postby Flying_dolphin on Wed Aug 04, 2004 5:47 pm

The original problem seems to be a nonissue now, because I reinstalled the way dodecahedron said to, and it does burn--it just won't finish. I guess I should try cleaning off the CD-Rs I use and maybe taking a can of compressed air to the CD-writer itself, for now anyway.
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Postby Flying_dolphin on Mon Aug 09, 2004 4:55 pm

Gah. Stupid Nero. Well, I tried cleaning off the CD-R and the CD-writer, and then burned a data CD. That worked without a single problem. Shortly after that, I tried burning an audio CD and immediately got this error: "The file format is not supported.(C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\NER99000029.wav)" and the burn process failed. I really don't understand why it should have these problems with audio CDs and no problem at all with data CDs.
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Postby CCampbell on Tue Aug 10, 2004 12:46 pm

What process are you following, exactly?

Are you using audio files to create an Audio CD? Or are you copying an Audio CD?

Can you post a copy of your Nero log file from the failed attempt so we can see what is going on?

We need to do some tests to try and isolate the issue.

Are you able to Copy an Audio CD?

Are you able to create an audio CD using only CDA audio obtained from an Audio CD as the source? (Do not use any audio files such as WAV, MP3, AIF, VQF, etc)


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Postby Flying_dolphin on Tue Aug 24, 2004 12:44 am

CCampbell wrote:What process are you following, exactly?

Are you using audio files to create an Audio CD? Or are you copying an Audio CD?
Yes--I'm using Nero's wizard to take files from two different CDs and burn them onto one CD-R.

CCampbell wrote:Are you able to Copy an Audio CD?
I haven't done that in over a year, and then only by accident, but I'll try it.

CCampbell wrote:Are you able to create an audio CD using only CDA audio obtained from an Audio CD as the source? (Do not use any audio files such as WAV, MP3, AIF, VQF, etc)
That's what I've been doing, mostly because I don't know enough about the rest to use them.

Here's my most recent log:

Windows 98 4.90 (ME)
WinAspi: File 'Wnaspi32.dll': Ver=1, 0, 0, 0, size=36864 bytes, created 6/8/2000 5:00:00 PM
Nero Version:
Recorder: <ARTEC WRR-4848> Version: 1.00 - HA 1 TA 0 -
Adapter driver: <USBMPHLP> HA 1
Drive buffer : 2048kB
Bus Type : default (0) -> ATAPI, detected: USB
CD-ROM: <SAMSUNG DVD-ROM SD-612> Version: 0.5 - HA 0 TA 0 -
Adapter driver: <ESDI_506> HA 0
Bus Type : default (0) -> ATAPI, detected: ATAPI
SAMSUNG DVD-ROM SD-612 (Target 0, D: ): Autoinsert On, DMA On, Disconnect On, SyncDataXfer Off
ARTEC WRR-4848 (Target 0, E: ): Autoinsert On, DMA ?, Disconnect ?, SyncDataXfer ?
Excluded drive IDs:
CmdQueuing : 1
CmdNotification: 2
WriteBufferSize: 24117248 (0) Byte
ShowDrvBufStat : 0
EraseSpeed : 0
BUFE : 0
Physical memory : 127MB (130316kB)
Free physical memory: 3MB (3616kB)
Memory in use : 100 %
Uncached PFiles: 0x0
Use Static Write Speed Table: 0
Use Inquiry : 1
Global Bus Type: default (0)
Check supported media : Enabled (1)
Wizard: On

Audio CD
4:39:33 PM #1 CDADOC -1 File Cdadoc.cpp, Line 1622
Audio item log info:
Audio document burn settings:
Burn mode: DAO,
CD Text: On,
Cache disk or network files: No,
Cache small files: No,
Cache files smaller than 65536 bytes.
Audio Multisession: No
List of audio tracks:
Track 01: Length: 02:37.00, Pause frames: 150, Filters: 0, Name: 'NER99000029.wav'.
Track 02: Length: 03:46.43, Pause frames: 075, Filters: 0, Name: 'NER19CC4823.wav'.
Track 03: Length: 03:37.34, Pause frames: 075, Filters: 0, Name: 'NERB84E18BE.wav'.
Track 04: Length: 02:24.20, Pause frames: 075, Filters: 0, Name: 'NER4EBB6784.wav'.
Track 05: Length: 02:47.39, Pause frames: 000, Filters: 0, Name: 'NERB47E4AE1.wav'.
Track 06: Length: 04:05.14, Pause frames: 075, Filters: 0, Name: 'NER2AD73D6C.wav'.
Track 07: Length: 02:28.65, Pause frames: 075, Filters: 0, Name: 'NERD2642CD6.wav'.
Track 08: Length: 03:10.28, Pause frames: 075, Filters: 0, Name: 'NER3DDF72AE.wav'.
Track 09: Length: 03:52.74, Pause frames: 075, Filters: 0, Name: 'NERC4B56952.wav'.
Track 10: Length: 03:41.59, Pause frames: 075, Filters: 0, Name: 'NER67CC5F90.wav'.
Track 11: Length: 04:25.52, Pause frames: 075, Filters: 0, Name: 'NER81A31649.wav'.
Track 12: Length: 03:56.22, Pause frames: 075, Filters: 0, Name: 'NER3FD26DF1.wav'.
Track 13: Length: 02:53.60, Pause frames: 075, Filters: 0, Name: 'NERE4995AF1.wav'.
Track 14: Length: 03:17.31, Pause frames: 075, Filters: 0, Name: 'NER5E9441BB.wav'.
Track 15: Length: 04:40.00, Pause frames: 075, Filters: 0, Name: 'NERE9E826E9.wav'.
Track 16: Length: 04:12.08, Pause frames: 075, Filters: 0, Name: 'NERAA8D01EB.wav'.
Track 17: Length: 03:53.57, Pause frames: 075, Filters: 0, Name: 'NER5B320BB3.wav'.
Track 18: Length: 03:35.06, Pause frames: 075, Filters: 0, Name: 'NERFBF32EA6.wav'.
Track 19: Length: 04:09.58, Pause frames: 075, Filters: 0, Name: 'NER900B12DB.wav'.
Track 20: Length: 04:16.41, Pause frames: 075, Filters: 0, Name: 'NER3BFB153C.wav'.
Total size: 72:12.36

4:39:33 PM #2 Phase 75 File dlgbrnst.cpp, Line 1655
JustLink activated

4:39:33 PM #3 Text 0 File Reader.cpp, Line 115
Reader running

4:39:33 PM #4 Text 0 File Burncd.cpp, Line 3773
Turn on Disc-At-Once, using CD-R/RW media

4:39:33 PM #5 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 672
Setup items (original item values)
0: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (NER99000029.wav)
2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 11775 (11775) = #11775/2:37.0
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
1: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (NER19CC4823.wav)
2 indices, index0 (75) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 16993 (16993) = #16993/3:46.43
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
2 indices, index0 (75) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 16309 (16309) = #16309/3:37.34
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
2 indices, index0 (75) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 10820 (10820) = #10820/2:24.20
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
2 indices, index0 (0) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 12564 (12564) = #12564/2:47.39
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
2 indices, index0 (75) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 18389 (18389) = #18389/4:5.14
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
2 indices, index0 (75) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 11165 (11165) = #11165/2:28.65
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
2 indices, index0 (75) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 14278 (14278) = #14278/3:10.28
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
8: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (NERC4B56952.wav)
2 indices, index0 (75) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 17474 (17474) = #17474/3:52.74
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
2 indices, index0 (75) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 16634 (16634) = #16634/3:41.59
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
10: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (NER81A31649.wav)
2 indices, index0 (75) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 19927 (19927) = #19927/4:25.52
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
2 indices, index0 (75) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 17722 (17722) = #17722/3:56.22
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
2 indices, index0 (75) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 13035 (13035) = #13035/2:53.60
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
2 indices, index0 (75) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 14806 (14806) = #14806/3:17.31
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
2 indices, index0 (75) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 21000 (21000) = #21000/4:40.0
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
2 indices, index0 (75) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 18908 (18908) = #18908/4:12.8
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
2 indices, index0 (75) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 17532 (17532) = #17532/3:53.57
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
2 indices, index0 (75) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 16131 (16131) = #16131/3:35.6
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
2 indices, index0 (75) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 18733 (18733) = #18733/4:9.58
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
2 indices, index0 (75) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 19241 (19241) = #19241/4:16.41
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos

4:39:33 PM #6 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 229
Last possible write address on media: 359847 (79:59.72)
Last address to be written: 324785 (72:12.35)

4:39:33 PM #7 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 234
Write in overburning mode: FALSE

4:39:33 PM #8 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 1703
Recorder: ARTEC WRR-4848;
CDR code: 00 97 26 66; OSJ entry from: CMC Magnetics Corporation
ATIP Data:
Special Info [hex] 1: D0 00 90, 2: 61 1A 42 (LI 97:26.66), 3: 4F 3B 49 (LO 79:59.73)
Additional Info [hex] 1: 00 00 80 (invalid), 2: 00 00 00 (invalid), 3: 00 00 00 (invalid)

4:39:33 PM #9 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 824
Prepare recorder ARTEC WRR-4848 for write in cue-sheet-DAO
DAO infos:
TOCTYPE: 0x0 Session Closed, CD fixated
Tracks 1 to 20:
TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x0, ISRC "", FilePos 0 352800 28047600
TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x0, ISRC "", FilePos 28047600 28224000 68191536
TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x0, ISRC "", FilePos 68191536 68367936 106726704
TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x0, ISRC "", FilePos 106726704 106903104 132351744
TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x0, ISRC "", FilePos 132351744 132351744 161902272
TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x0, ISRC "", FilePos 161902272 162078672 205329600
TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x0, ISRC "", FilePos 205329600 205506000 231766080
TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x0, ISRC "", FilePos 231766080 231942480 265524336
TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x0, ISRC "", FilePos 265524336 265700736 306799584
TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x0, ISRC "", FilePos 306799584 306975984 346099152
TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x0, ISRC "", FilePos 346099152 346275552 393143856
TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x0, ISRC "", FilePos 393143856 393320256 435002400
TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x0, ISRC "", FilePos 435002400 435178800 465837120
TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x0, ISRC "", FilePos 465837120 466013520 500837232
TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x0, ISRC "", FilePos 500837232 501013632 550405632
TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x0, ISRC "", FilePos 550405632 550582032 595053648
TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x0, ISRC "", FilePos 595053648 595230048 636465312
TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x0, ISRC "", FilePos 636465312 636641712 674581824
TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x0, ISRC "", FilePos 674581824 674758224 718818240
TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352/0x0, ISRC "", FilePos 718818240 718994640 764249472

4:39:33 PM #10 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 672
Setup items (after recorder preparation)
0: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (NER99000029.wav)
2 indices, index0 (150) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 11775 (11775) = #11775/2:37.0
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 11775 blocks [ARTEC WRR-4848 ]
1: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (NER19CC4823.wav)
2 indices, index0 (75) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 16993 (16993) = #16993/3:46.43
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 16993 blocks [ARTEC WRR-4848 ]
2 indices, index0 (75) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 16309 (16309) = #16309/3:37.34
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 16309 blocks [ARTEC WRR-4848 ]
2 indices, index0 (75) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 10820 (10820) = #10820/2:24.20
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 10820 blocks [ARTEC WRR-4848 ]
2 indices, index0 (0) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 12564 (12564) = #12564/2:47.39
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 12564 blocks [ARTEC WRR-4848 ]
2 indices, index0 (75) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 18389 (18389) = #18389/4:5.14
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 18389 blocks [ARTEC WRR-4848 ]
2 indices, index0 (75) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 11165 (11165) = #11165/2:28.65
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 11165 blocks [ARTEC WRR-4848 ]
2 indices, index0 (75) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 14278 (14278) = #14278/3:10.28
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 14278 blocks [ARTEC WRR-4848 ]
8: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (NERC4B56952.wav)
2 indices, index0 (75) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 17474 (17474) = #17474/3:52.74
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 17474 blocks [ARTEC WRR-4848 ]
2 indices, index0 (75) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 16634 (16634) = #16634/3:41.59
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 16634 blocks [ARTEC WRR-4848 ]
10: TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE (NER81A31649.wav)
2 indices, index0 (75) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 19927 (19927) = #19927/4:25.52
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 19927 blocks [ARTEC WRR-4848 ]
2 indices, index0 (75) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 17722 (17722) = #17722/3:56.22
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 17722 blocks [ARTEC WRR-4848 ]
2 indices, index0 (75) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 13035 (13035) = #13035/2:53.60
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 13035 blocks [ARTEC WRR-4848 ]
2 indices, index0 (75) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 14806 (14806) = #14806/3:17.31
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 14806 blocks [ARTEC WRR-4848 ]
2 indices, index0 (75) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 21000 (21000) = #21000/4:40.0
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 21000 blocks [ARTEC WRR-4848 ]
2 indices, index0 (75) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 18908 (18908) = #18908/4:12.8
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 18908 blocks [ARTEC WRR-4848 ]
2 indices, index0 (75) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 17532 (17532) = #17532/3:53.57
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 17532 blocks [ARTEC WRR-4848 ]
2 indices, index0 (75) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 16131 (16131) = #16131/3:35.6
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 16131 blocks [ARTEC WRR-4848 ]
2 indices, index0 (75) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 18733 (18733) = #18733/4:9.58
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 18733 blocks [ARTEC WRR-4848 ]
2 indices, index0 (75) not provided
original CD pos #0 + 19241 (19241) = #19241/4:16.41
relocatable, CD pos for caching/writing not required/not required, no patch infos
-> TRM_AUDIO_NOPRE, 2352, config 0, wanted index0 0 blocks, length 19241 blocks [ARTEC WRR-4848 ]

4:39:33 PM #11 Phase 36 File dlgbrnst.cpp, Line 1655
Burn process started at 48x (7,200 KB/s)

4:39:34 PM #12 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 1978
Verifying CD position of item 0 (relocatable, no CD pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #0

4:39:34 PM #13 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 1978
Verifying CD position of item 1 (relocatable, no CD pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #11850

4:39:34 PM #14 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 1978
Verifying CD position of item 2 (relocatable, no CD pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #28918

4:39:34 PM #15 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 1978
Verifying CD position of item 3 (relocatable, no CD pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #45302

4:39:34 PM #16 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 1978
Verifying CD position of item 4 (relocatable, no CD pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #56122

4:39:34 PM #17 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 1978
Verifying CD position of item 5 (relocatable, no CD pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #68761

4:39:34 PM #18 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 1978
Verifying CD position of item 6 (relocatable, no CD pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #87225

4:39:34 PM #19 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 1978
Verifying CD position of item 7 (relocatable, no CD pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #98465

4:39:34 PM #20 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 1978
Verifying CD position of item 8 (relocatable, no CD pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #112818

4:39:34 PM #21 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 1978
Verifying CD position of item 9 (relocatable, no CD pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #130367

4:39:34 PM #22 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 1978
Verifying CD position of item 10 (relocatable, no CD pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #147076

4:39:34 PM #23 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 1978
Verifying CD position of item 11 (relocatable, no CD pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #167078

4:39:34 PM #24 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 1978
Verifying CD position of item 12 (relocatable, no CD pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #184875

4:39:34 PM #25 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 1978
Verifying CD position of item 13 (relocatable, no CD pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #197985

4:39:34 PM #26 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 1978
Verifying CD position of item 14 (relocatable, no CD pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #212866

4:39:34 PM #27 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 1978
Verifying CD position of item 15 (relocatable, no CD pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #233941

4:39:34 PM #28 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 1978
Verifying CD position of item 16 (relocatable, no CD pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #252924

4:39:34 PM #29 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 1978
Verifying CD position of item 17 (relocatable, no CD pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #270531

4:39:34 PM #30 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 1978
Verifying CD position of item 18 (relocatable, no CD pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #286737

4:39:34 PM #31 Text 0 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 1978
Verifying CD position of item 19 (relocatable, no CD pos, no patch infos, orig at #0): write at #305545

4:39:34 PM #32 Text 0 File Mmc.cpp, Line 15050
StartDAO : CD-Text - On

4:39:34 PM #33 Text 0 File Mmc.cpp, Line 19546
Set BUFE: JustLink -> ON , JustSpeed : ON

4:39:34 PM #34 Text 0 File Mmc.cpp, Line 15312
CueData, Len=328
01 00 00 41 00 00 00 00
01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
01 01 01 00 00 00 02 00
01 02 00 00 00 02 27 00
01 02 01 00 00 02 28 00
01 03 00 00 00 06 1a 2b
01 03 01 00 00 06 1b 2b
01 04 00 00 00 0a 05 02
01 04 01 00 00 0a 06 02
01 05 01 00 00 0c 1e 16
01 06 00 00 00 0f 11 3d
01 06 01 00 00 0f 12 3d
01 07 00 00 00 13 18 00
01 07 01 00 00 13 19 00
01 08 00 00 00 15 35 41
01 08 01 00 00 15 36 41
01 09 00 00 00 19 05 12
01 09 01 00 00 19 06 12
01 0a 00 00 00 1c 3b 11
01 0a 01 00 00 1d 00 11
01 0b 00 00 00 20 2a 01
01 0b 01 00 00 20 2b 01
01 0c 00 00 00 25 08 35
01 0c 01 00 00 25 09 35
01 0d 00 00 00 29 06 00
01 0d 01 00 00 29 07 00
01 0e 00 00 00 2c 00 3c
01 0e 01 00 00 2c 01 3c
01 0f 00 00 00 2f 13 10
01 0f 01 00 00 2f 14 10
01 10 00 00 00 34 00 10
01 10 01 00 00 34 01 10
01 11 00 00 00 38 0d 18
01 11 01 00 00 38 0e 18
01 12 00 00 00 3c 08 06
01 12 01 00 00 3c 09 06
01 13 00 00 00 3f 2c 0c
01 13 01 00 00 3f 2d 0c
01 14 00 00 00 43 36 46
01 14 01 00 00 43 37 46
01 aa 01 01 00 48 0c 24

4:39:40 PM #35 PLUGAUDIOITEM -1 File PlugAudioItem.cpp, Line 1002
The file format is not supported.

4:39:40 PM #36 Text 0 File Reader.cpp, Line 516
open item failed

4:39:40 PM #37 TRANSFER -25 File Reader.cpp, Line 517
Error reading Data

4:39:40 PM #38 Text 0 File ThreadedTransfer.cpp, Line 228
conversion failed, stopping writers

4:39:41 PM #39 Phase 38 File dlgbrnst.cpp, Line 1655
Burn process failed at 48x (7,200 KB/s)

4:39:41 PM #40 Text 0 File Scsicmd.cpp, Line 406
SCSI not using temporary buffers
20 out of 20 temporary buffers allocated

Existing drivers:
File 'IoSubSys\SCSI1HLP.VXD': Ver=4.90.3000, size=19278 bytes, created 6/8/2000 5:00:00 PM
File 'IoSubsys\NEROCD95.VXD': Ver=, size=39882 bytes, created 3/11/2002 11:55:38 AM
File 'IoSubsys\CDFS.VXD': Ver=4.90.3000, size=59141 bytes, created 6/8/2000 5:00:00 PM
File 'IoSubsys\ESDI_506.PDR': Ver=4.90.3000, size=25365 bytes, created 6/8/2000 5:00:00 PM
File 'IoSubsys\USBMPHLP.PDR': Ver=4.90.3000, size=4861 bytes, created 6/8/2000 5:00:00 PM
File '..\System32\Drivers\1394bus.sys': Ver=4.90.3000.1, size=44240 bytes, created 6/8/2000 5:00:00 PM
File '..\System32\Drivers\Ohci1394.sys': Ver=4.90.3000.1, size=49488 bytes, created 6/8/2000 5:00:00 PM
File '..\System32\Drivers\Sbp2port.sys': Ver=4.90.3000.1, size=36336 bytes, created 6/8/2000 5:00:00 PM
File 'IoSubsys\Disktsd.vxd': Ver=4.90.3000, size=18663 bytes, created 6/8/2000 5:00:00 PM
File 'IoSubsys\BSUDF.VXD': Ver=3.30.0, size=213679 bytes, created 5/30/2002 6:00:02 AM
File 'IoSubsys\CDRBSVSD.VXD': Ver=1.1.1, size=8783 bytes, created 9/20/1999 1:11:00 AM
File 'IoSubsys\USBMPHLP.PDR': Ver=4.90.3000, size=4861 bytes, created 6/8/2000 5:00:00 PM (Adapter driver for rec)

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Buffer Underrun
Posts: 6
Joined: Fri Jul 30, 2004 4:43 pm
Location: Annundwyn and Imladris

Postby CCampbell on Tue Aug 24, 2004 3:33 pm

I would like to know if you are able to copy a CD.

The log file does show trouble reading the file, as you indicated.

What drive are you using to read the audio From the CD's? Are you using your USB Recorder, or your Samsung DVD-ROM drive?

If you were using the Samsung, try using your recorder as both the source and destination. And Simulation mode will be more than sufficent to duplicate the error. And of course, if you were useing your Recorder as the source drive, try using your Samsung.

I'm curious if the issue is in the extraction.

Another test you can try, which takes a lot longer, is to use the SAVE TRACKs feature and extract all the audio from the CDs to your Hard Drive first, make sure they play back find, and then try and burn to audio CD.


CD-RW Player
Posts: 966
Joined: Tue Jan 29, 2002 9:27 pm
Location: Glendale, CA

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