- BenQ DW.822A (B3IC)
- LG GSA-4120B (A101)
- NEC ND2510 (2.15)
- Pioneer DVR-A07 XL (1.16)
- Plextor PX-712A (1.03)
In addition, they've defined a new "mechanical property index" for unburned discs. This is an attempt to separate the influence of media and burning strategy. Again, they've defined a weighted quality index based on the following basic measurements:
- AxialN CAV (axial deviations at 3000 rpm CAV, < 1 micron)
- Radial CAV (radial tracking errors at 3000 rpm CAV, < 40 nm)
- RRO (Radial Run Out at 1x CLV, < 70 micron)
- Push-Pull signal (1x CLV, laser tracking- deviation of min/max < 15%)
Because this is a European test, some media will not be available elsewhere and some brands will have different suppliers. In particular, the European manufacturers do not have as close contact with the hardware manufacturers as do Japanese, Korean or Taiwanwese producers. As a result, the firmware of many drives may not have appropriate strategies implemented and fall back to conservative "generic" strategies.
European manufacturers:
- 3A Media, Austria, works closely with Plasmon, Ciba dye
- Skymedia, Switzerland
- MAM-E, France (former Mitsui, now in CSI concern)
- Sony (manufactured in Salzburg, Austria)
The Ritek discs were ordered from an online supplier as a "no-name" source to check on quality fluctuations.
Here a summary of the media properties:
- Code: Select all
Rating / quality index
Brand Manufacturer ID Speed Burn Mechanical
DVD+R 8x
3A Media 3A Media Plasmon1 C01 - 0 -
skymedia skymedia VDSPMSAB001 -- -- --
MAM-E MAM-E MAM M02 - 0 -
Maxell Maxell Maxell 002 ++ 0 +
Intenso Prodisc Prodisc R03 + 0 0
DVD-R 8x
3A Media 3A Media POMS3A -- + 0
MAM-E MAM-E MAM 4XG02 - + 0
The One Ritek Ritek G05 0 0 +
Sony Sony Sony 08D1 0 0 +
TDK TDK TTG02 0 0 0
The second table shows how well each drive did. The entries are:
- the c't quality index and rating
- the speed at which the drive burned the disc and the recommended speed
- Code: Select all
Manufacturer BenQ LG NEC Pioneer Plextor
3A Media 66 / + 64 / + 54 / + -48 / -- 45 / 0
Plasmon1 C01 8x / 8x 4x / 4x 2.4x /2.4x 4x /2.4x 8x / 8x
skymedia -512 / -- - / -- -141 / -- -217 / -- -216 / --
VDSPMSAB001 8x / no - / no 4x /2.4x 4x /2.4x 6x /2.4x
MAM-E -294 / -- 91 / ++ 79 / ++ -7 / -- -130 / --
MAM M02 8x / 4x 4x / 4x 2.4x /2.4x 4x /2.4x 8x / 6x
Maxell 82 / ++ -165 / -- -451 / -- 57 / + -264 / --
Maxell 002 8x / 8x 12x / 6x 8x / 4x 8x / 6x 12x / 6x
Prodisc 50 / + 80 / ++ -138 / -- 82 / + -109 / --
Prodisc R03 8x / 8x 8x / 8x 8x / 4x 8x / 8x 8x / 6x
3A Media 73 / + 21 / - 75 / ++ 92 / ++ 50 / +
POMS3A 4x / 4x 4x /2.4x 4x / 4x 2x / 2x 6x / 6x
MAM-E 3 / - 76 / ++ 77 / ++ 58 / + 59 / +
MAM 4XG02 4x /2.4x 4x / 4x 4x / 4x 4x / 4x 8x / 8x
Ritek 55 / + 7 / - 91 / ++ 78 / ++ -122 / --
Ritek G05 8x / 8x 4x /2.4x 4x / 4x 8x / 8x 8x / 4x
Sony 77 / ++ -69 / -- 56 / + -34 / -- 84 / ++
Sony 08D1 4x / 4x 8x / 6x 8x / 4x 8x / 6x 8x / 8x
TDK 61 / + 48 / 0 -82 / -- 64 / + -440 / --
TTG02 4x / 4x 8x / 6x 8x / 4x 8x / 8x 8x / 4x
The Skymedia discs were essentially unuseable, Prodisc and Ritek positive surprises. The BenQ managed the most useable 8x burns.