TheWizard wrote:You save about $15/month compared to cable modem service.
Comcast is $30 per month more than DSL where I live.

But I guess that is because I don't subscribe to cable TV. Comcast gives people who don't also subscribe to their TV sewer pipe the full-blown royal monopolistic shafting. The actual data pipe, though, has been pretty decent quality. There were a few problems with sporadic outages when I first signed up several years ago, but it has been mostly solid (knock wood) the last year.
As for Verizon, three times they have told me that my house was eligible for DSL. Each time I said to myself "It's about frickin' time." I live in a nominally hi-tech, non-boonie, semi-urban area. And then each time I actualy signed up, they said "Oops. Sorry. False alarm. You actualy can't get DSL." The last time they had James Earl Jones call me up and leave a congratulatory announcement on my answering machine, and even went so far as to send me the modem and installation kit. Then the night before the switchover was supposed to occur they left another "Oh so sorry, no can do" message. Morons.
Of course, they then had the nerve to demand that I send back the equipment or be charged a $100 fee. Nevermind that: a) the equipment only consts them $50 or less b) I didn't cancel the stupid service, they did. Still, it didn't bother me that they wanted the equipment back. After all, I had no use for it. What annoyed me is that they threatened to bill me the outrageous fee and made me go to the trouble of packing it up and taking a trip to the post office to send it back. Their fault, they cancelled, they can't even keep track of what they are servicing where, so why don't they send someone around in one of their trucks to pick it up from my house at my convenience?
There may theoretically be competition in local phone service, but in practice I'd say Verizon is still a monster monopoly right up there with the best of them.
Okay, rant over. I feel better now.