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Postby compman on Sat Aug 14, 2004 1:58 pm

I believe praise is in order for David Burg and anyone else at Ahead who is involved in the development of InCD. - is the best release ever. I cannot find a flaw at all, which is unusual for any software. Thanks Ahead, for making and supporting a very superior product. (Oh yea....the rest of this Nero Ultra Edition release is very good too.)
Buffer Underrun
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Postby rbmorse on Sat Aug 14, 2004 10:54 pm

My experience. so far, has also been good.

Does anyone have any idea what the problem with implementing UDF format support under Linux is? I was expecitng problems while making the transition from XP to Linux, but not this one.
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UDF in Linux

Postby compman on Sun Aug 15, 2004 1:45 am

How long have you been trying out Linux? I have been running RedHat 7, 8, 9 and then Fedora Core for over 2 years. (Core 1 followed by Core 2.) My experience has been that any type of multimedia support is lacking in Linux when compared to Windows. There are other problems too. As bad as I DON'T want to be a Microsoft fanboy, I must say that Linux has a long way to go. I have practically given up on it for now.
However, the experience that can be gained by experimenting with Linux is invaluable. I would suggest that you continue to experiment with Linux, but don't rely on it as your only OS. Have you considered a dual boot system? That would be the way to go, in my opinion.
As for UDF support, a SourceForge search returns a UDF project for Linux. But, it involves a kernel patch. Check it out for yourself at www.sourceforge.net ...run a search for UDF, it will be the first hit.
Good luck with Linux.
Buffer Underrun
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Postby rbmorse on Sun Aug 15, 2004 9:58 am

I started on Red Hat in the 2.0X days, used Mandrake since version 6 and right now I'm using Xandros 2 (which is really Debian Sarge with makeup) as my daily driver. The box is dual-boot with XP (SP-2).

I don't have any problem with XP, I find it to be full-featured and extremely reliable, if a bit maintenance intensive if one is to keep up with the vulnerabilites. I disabled XP's network access but I still use it regularly for digital image processing.

My main interest in Linux is that of getting future-proofed as I believe Microsoft will continue to adopt more and more restrictive (and expensive) licensing and use policies in the future with which I do not agree.

THe UDF tools you mentioned are old, offer read-only support as far as I can tell and like a great deal of application software available for Linux simply don't work very well.

I'm at a loss to understand why UDF isn't available under *nix. I'd certainly buy it were it available as a commercial package...after all I paid for Nero 6 and InCD and would do so again for a Linux package.

For the moment anything I want to put off on a RW optical disk goes first to a FAT32 formatted partition that both Xnadros and XP can access, then I do the transfer under XP when it's convenient. Not all that much trouble, but still...
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Postby CowboySlim on Mon Aug 16, 2004 3:05 pm

Who is this RB that everybody is talking about?

Slim :lol:
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Postby dburg on Sun Aug 22, 2004 11:38 am

I am glad to read that Ahead's recent release of InCD brings satisfaction to several of you.

About udf support in Linux, it is indeed not as advanced as some implementations you can purchase for Windows (such as... InCD :wink: ). But well, it's free. Basically the udf linux project is looking for volunteers software engineers, so engage yourself at linux_udf@hpesjro.fc.hp.com :wink:

For commercial UDF implementation under Linux, this sounds unfortunately difficult. First and major concern, is how big is the market? I mean, we need figures to convince our management that yes the cost of development will be refund by sales. Second and non negligible concern, is there a define interface in the kernel for implementing a fs driver without code publication? Something like Microsoft's IFS Kit? Because you can't publish your fs driver code if you want to sell your product. And if you don't publish it, you to garantee that the kernel guys will not break your fs driver by changing their interface?
David Burg
Software Development, InCD Project Manager

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