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Dang .NCO files!!!

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Dang .NCO files!!!

Postby smoke_44 on Tue Jul 27, 2004 3:17 pm

I used Nero 5 to make a backup CD of all my jpeg files. And I'll be
danged if they all have the file exstension .NCO. Now I can't open any of
my pictures on the cd! Does anyone have some insight into this problem?
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Postby cfitz on Tue Jul 27, 2004 5:47 pm

The .nco files are compressed versions. Use Nero Backup program to restore the files from the backup media rather than trying to access the .nco files directly.

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Postby smoke_44 on Wed Jul 28, 2004 8:49 am

I figured that I would need to use the backup restore option, but I can't seem to find the option with Nero 5. Where should I look for it?
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Postby cfitz on Wed Jul 28, 2004 1:21 pm

I don't have version 5 installed, so I can't look it up for you. You might have to restore from DOS. Poke around the user manual. But be careful. Make sure restoring doesn't wipe out anything added to your disk since backing up. Nero's restore utility may insist on restoring everything in the backup whether you want it or not (i.e. you may not be able to restore just one file).

People have had trouble with Nero's backup utilities before. I personally prefer to simply copy my files in uncompressed form to regular data CDs. In any event and whatever you decide to use, make sure you understand and can use your backup/restore program/procedures before committing your valuable data to backup and (intentionally or unintentionally) erasing it from your hard drive.

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Postby CCampbell on Wed Jul 28, 2004 1:51 pm

Nero 5.5 has the Hard Drive Backup feature, that does sector by sector backup and restore only.

Nero 6 has the BackItUp utility that can do individual file back and restore, as well as sector by sector backup and restore.

As cfitz indicated, you will not be able to restore only your photos, it will restore everything using this recovery feature, and any data currently on your Hard Drive will be lost.

With Nero 5.5, if you wished to back and restore individual files and folders, you should only create a standard Data CD or Data DVD to backup your files and folders.


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Postby smoke_44 on Wed Jul 28, 2004 3:52 pm

The only thing I have on the CD is about 900 pictures. If I did a restore while in DOS mode will it destroy my windows operating system?
Buffer Underrun
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Postby CCampbell on Wed Jul 28, 2004 4:37 pm

Hi Smoke-44,

The Nero 5.5 Hard Drive Backup feature can not only backup your pictures. It would backup your whole partition(s), and then restore the partition(s).

If you are sure you somehow only selected the picture for backup, then you did not use the Hard Drive Backup feature.

Are you sure you have Nero 5.5 and not Nero 6?

Can you give me a step by step process that you used for creating the backup? This would clear things up a bit.


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