by integspec on Tue Dec 23, 2003 2:01 am
There are many Codec Packs available out there in the web for free. Eg: SLD, Cole2k, Ace Mega, etc...
Most of the Codecs included in these packs are royalty free but sometimes they contain commercial codecs bundled without permission from the owners. Other than this issue they are perfectly safe to be installed. These packs save a lot of time and energy which otherwise will be wasted in installing the Codecs one by one.
(SLD is my favourite if you can find it.)
Stone walls do not a prison make,
Nor iron bars a cage;
Minds innocent and quiet take
That for an hermitage;
If I have freedom in my love,
And in my soul am free,
Angels alone that soar above
Enjoy such liberty. - Richard Lovelace