hi guys.
i need some advice. i haven't been reading up on hardware recently (like 3 years) and i'm not very into the details.
plus i've no time for doing proper research myself.
so i thought i would impose on you guys for advice. any ideas appreciated.
i'm might be doing a hardware upgrade soon, since my motherboard is to be replaced.
the question is what's better, an Athlon XP or Pentium 4? i'm thinking something like Athlon XP 2600+, 2800+ or 3000+, or the P4 equivalents. the faster chips are too expensive, as are the Athlon 64.
(i think...am i wrong?)
also, what chipset would you recommend for a P4 chip? based on Intel 865/875/848 whatever? i really don't know the differences between them etc.