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DVD burner not recognising +R disks

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DVD burner not recognising +R disks

Postby franco50 on Sat Jul 10, 2004 11:44 am

I have an Emprex IDE1008 DVD burner drive in my PC (running Windows XP). It works perfectly well burning to DVD-R media but I've just discovered it won't recognise DVD+R disks which are supposed to be compatible. Using Nero Burning ROM software (which came with the drive) I get an error of "Please insert an empty disk to write to" and the disk is ejected when I try to burn to it. Thinking the problem was with Nero I checked the drive in 'My Computer' but get a message of "Please insert a disk into Drive E" so presumably the fault is with the drive. I have updated the firmware from Ver. 0054 to Ver. 0758 and I am using reputable media - Philips DVD+R. What could be causing this? I would be perfectly happy to go back to using -R media all the time but I've just bought a bumper pack of 15 +R disks!
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Postby CCampbell on Tue Jul 13, 2004 12:45 pm

Hi Franco50,

I would recommend contacting BTC and find out what DVD+R media they recommend using with their recorder. Below are the write spec's I found on BTC's website at www.btcusa.com

(DVD+R) 1x, 2x, 4x,6x,8x
(DVD-R) 1x, 2x, 4x
(DVD+RW) 1x, 2x , 4x
(DVD-RW) 1x, 2x
(CD-R) 16x, 24x, 32x, 40x
(CD-RW) 4x, 10x, 16x, 24x

And this is the first time I've heard of this issue with this BTC drive. Others seem to be having no problem with DVD+R media. I know of two customers using Memorex and Verbatim DVD+R media.


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