Ian wrote:You guys all realize that I'm not the same Ian that used to run CDRW Central, right? Is that fact clear enough for people? It must be the name Ian that does it. It's not like people think Bob Smith is the same person as Bob Johnson.
Socheat wrote:Ian wrote:You guys all realize that I'm not the same Ian that used to run CDRW Central, right? Is that fact clear enough for people? It must be the name Ian that does it. It's not like people think Bob Smith is the same person as Bob Johnson.
Wait... you're not Ian Ballard?Who the hell have I been working for all these years?
Gooberslot wrote:I'm confused. Has their been more than one Ian running CDRLabs?
Ian wrote:And no, I'm not king, or emperor or anything like that..
Ian wrote:Doesn't Tyranosaurus Rex mean tyrant lizard or something? If so, you're name would be dolphin lizard.
Alejandra wrote:Ian wrote:And god forbid, I do not look like Boy George.
So, this is good or bad?
Ian wrote:Actually, there was another Ian back when we were CDRZone (the original CDRZone). But that was a long time ago.
TheWizard wrote:Your brain thinks this, but does your body agree? Case in point, can your body handle as many beers as it could when you were 21?
TheWizard wrote:Case in point, can your body handle as many beers as it could when you were 21?
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