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Pro vs. high-end consumer Burners / CD-R Pre-mastering

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Pro vs. high-end consumer Burners / CD-R Pre-mastering

Postby mark4man on Fri Jul 09, 2004 10:14 pm


Getting ready to release my band's upcoming CD...& so I recently e-mailed my replication service & asked which optical transport assembly they used to cut their glass masters; & which burner they would recommend to write CD-R pre-masters.

They came back with Plextor on the OTA...

& then went on to say that any of the burners I had mentioned (Tascam CD-RW2000, Alesis Masterlink, HHB BurnIt) would be wonderful, but that I might save some money if I went with a Plextor external SCSI or USB2 burner.

So, my question is:

Do the mastering house favorites (CD-RW2000, Masterlink, etc.) offer any distinct advantage (in burning for CD-R pre-master) over high end external consumer burners (Plextor, TEAC, etc.)...

...in the quality of the written CD-R (not device features, but burn quality in general)?


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Postby digitaldoc on Mon Jul 12, 2004 11:41 am

I'm sure the Plextor will be fine. Get a good quality media, and write at a medium speed of 24x. Some of the new dvd writers have excellent cd writing abilities; you may wish to go that route.
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