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K-Probe reading with CD burnt on ASUS CRW 5232

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K-Probe reading with CD burnt on ASUS CRW 5232

Postby Arup on Mon Jun 28, 2004 7:22 pm

Hi All,

The reason for my post is because I am not familiar with K-Probe and am hoping all veterans here will have a much better interpretation of this reading. This reading is possible due to the new K-Probe 2.22 ability to read through DVD-ROM(thanks to Karr Wong), I took these readings with my Liteon DVD 163D with the latest firmare. The CD used was burnt on my brand new ASUS CRW 5232 with latest 1.3 firmware on a Mitsubishi Super Azo 16x rated blank at 4x speed using EAC with burn offset correction. Seems like CDRInfo.com had a faulty ASUS CRW5232 on their test bed as the jitter and C1/C2 errors as well as pit land errors they got were far more than what I see. I wanted to buy Liteon only as my older Liteon 40x is still working fine but here in India, Liteon is virtually non-existent and there is no support even if you manage to find one. I have attached the PNG file from K-Probe and would appreciate any inputs. Even the Nero CD Speed latest version 3.10 yielded very low C1/C2 error count and no jitters whatsoever. Funnily this same drive was given superb ratings by Ian(9/10)CDR Labs and others.


K-Probe readings are:

C1 Max=26, Average=0.06, Total=256
C2 Max=70, Average=0.05, Total=196

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Postby MediumRare on Tue Jun 29, 2004 10:46 am

KProbe scans of CD's in a DVD-Rom drive are meaningless. The C1,C2 values are reported differently and are not a realistic measure of disc quality.

In my opinion, it was a positive change that KProbe2 (unlike KProbe 1) did not report these- it just causes confusion.

If you can't find a LiteOn in India, you may want to look for Sony drives- they're (usually) OEM LiteOns.

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Re: K-Probe reading with CD burnt on ASUS CRW 5232

Postby Bhairav on Tue Jun 29, 2004 11:04 am

Arup wrote:*snip*

You can get the Lite-On 52327S in Mumbai for around 1800 rupees, while the Sony CRX225/230, 52327S OEMs, are around 1850-1900. I've had to RMA my 52327S once, got it returned in about 3 days, which I consider to be pretty fast.
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Postby Arup on Wed Jun 30, 2004 12:07 am

thanks for the reply guys but what I would really like to know is that are these really bad readings or should I stick to the ASUS, I kinda like te build quality of the ASUS over others in the market.
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Postby Bhairav on Wed Jun 30, 2004 12:57 pm

Arup wrote:thanks for the reply guys but what I would really like to know is that are these really bad readings or should I stick to the ASUS, I kinda like te build quality of the ASUS over others in the market.

Decent readings, but the Asus is not optimised to work with KProbe, so I would take those results with a grain of salt. Nero CDSpeed ScanDisc, are all blocks green?If so, you have nothing to worry about.
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Postby Arup on Wed Jun 30, 2004 7:38 pm

I burnt the CD with my ASUS and took the measurments with my Liteon 163D DVD player which is compatible with K-Probe latest version.
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