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Very Simple Question: What is the BEST...

Postby GizmoC on Fri Jun 25, 2004 5:44 pm

The date as of today is 26th June, 2004.


I've been using the LiteOn 2410B CDR for many years now. It has served me well, very well I might add. Burnt over 6000 CDs with it easily. Well, its time folks..

My question(s) are simple:

- What is THE BEST LiteOn CD Writer available in the market today? I dont want the latest model with the most fancy features. I want a tried and tested model with ROCK SOLID stability and LONGETIVITY. I had my eyes on the LiteOn 523252, anything better than that one? (Note: I want a CD Writer, NOT a DVD Writer)

- Assuming you have answered the above question. What is the best, most stable, most tested firmware available for the LiteOn model you recommended above.

- I've done a lot of research about CDR media. I know TY is good. I know CMC is bad. However, I am a bit vague on the details. Are there any known brands of media that work exceptionally well with LiteOn? Or, on the other hand, are there any brands (or dye types) that DONT work well with LiteOn? For instance, isnt it true that anything made using Mitsubishi chemicals is bad for LiteOn?

Once again, THANK YOU!
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Postby TheCDBurner on Fri Jun 25, 2004 6:32 pm

Drive: 52327S
Firmware: QS0B (best for write quality)
Media: Any TY media (Made In Japan Fuji, Maxell CD-R Pro, etc).
Alt Media #1: Verbatim Data Life Plus*
Alt Media #2: Ritek (ie, Maxell).

Make sure it's the Data Life Plus. From my understanding, Verbatim is no longer making/marketing this media :(
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Postby TheCDBurner on Fri Jun 25, 2004 6:35 pm

The "good" Data Life Plus looks like this:
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Re: Very Simple Question: What is the BEST...

Postby TheCDBurner on Fri Jun 25, 2004 6:51 pm

GizmoC wrote: For instance, isnt it true that anything made using Mitsubishi chemicals is bad for LiteOn?

As for that:
Verbatim Data Life Plus (made by Mitsubishi), burned/scanned on a 52327S:

That's a pretty good scan, IMHO.

And for comparison, an old TY disc (very old; it's Red Hat 9!):

As you can see, some c2 errors, but still very good. I'll try to find a newer disc that isn't all beat to hell (it's been awhile since I've burned any CDs-I do all dvds now).

And a CMC (Memorex brand, who tend to get the "good" CMCs) for good measure:

Completely useless and non interesting fact:
KProbes toolbar mimics a Linux theme. Both discs I scanned where Linux discs. :)
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Postby GizmoC on Fri Jun 25, 2004 8:21 pm

Thanks for your reply dude.

In another forum I was recommended the SOHC-5232K drive and also the SOHR-5238.
Now, the SOHC drive is a combo drive, it can read DVDs also.
However, SOHR and the drive you mentioned are both CDwriters. Is there any difference? What do you have to say about that?

I;ve narrowed my choices to the following 3
- 52327S
- SOHC-5232K
- SOHR-5238s

Thanks again!
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Postby TheCDBurner on Fri Jun 25, 2004 9:13 pm

The newer CD writers have some internal differences vs. the 52327S. I haven't seen any write-quality results for the combo drives (thinking about one for myself), nor any of the newer cd writers.

Given that Lite-Ons newer firmware for the 52327S has much worse write quality vs. QS0B on that drive, I'm not so sure I'd trust any of their newer drives.

I'll be ordering a Plextor DVD burner soon, though...and that'll solve all write quality issues.
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Postby GizmoC on Sat Jun 26, 2004 7:42 am

Ok, I've been doing some research on this drive (52327S )

Well, I found out that this drive has some major version issues, something about EEPROM and stuff.

Now, my question is, if I go out in the market now and buy this drive, how do I find out which "version" it is? Also, can I use the QS0B firmware on this drive safely?
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Postby Bhairav on Sat Jun 26, 2004 12:45 pm

Q6600@3.1Ghz | Asus P5Q-E | 4GB DDR2-800 | 8800GT | 4TB HDD | Viewsonic vx2025wm
Xonar DX | Pioneer DVR-212 | Pioneer 111L | Benq 1655
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Postby GizmoC on Sat Jun 26, 2004 9:14 pm

hmm, is the 52327s the same as 523252 drive?

The computer shops around my place dont seem to have the 52327s, but they have 523252... are these both the same driveS? They claim its the "latest" version, but... I dunno. They often lie.
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Postby TheWizard on Sat Jun 26, 2004 10:23 pm

First, decide which Lite-On drive to purchase, then look at this thread to find which media works best with that drive.

One trend I have noticed, at least with slightly older Lite-On drives, CMC discs don't always burn so well. I have never had a problem with CMC discs, then again, I have never owned a Lite-On burner. :)
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Postby Bhairav on Sun Jun 27, 2004 12:47 pm

TheWizard wrote:, I have never owned a Lite-On burner. :)

All LG,eh?
Q6600@3.1Ghz | Asus P5Q-E | 4GB DDR2-800 | 8800GT | 4TB HDD | Viewsonic vx2025wm
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Postby TheWizard on Tue Jun 29, 2004 9:39 am

bhairavp wrote:All LG,eh?

Good guess. :) Although, what I said about never having owned a Lite-On burner was not a slight at Lite-On. I do have have Lite-On CD-ROM and it's fine. In fact, I still recommend Lite-On burner even though I have never owned one. To be frank, there are so many choices for CD-RW drives, and you can't go wrong with most of them.
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Postby digitaldoc on Wed Jul 07, 2004 5:18 pm

The LiteOn 52327S is a great choice. I use the latest firmware with no issues and write to all discs with no problems. I have the older version of the drive.
BTC 1008
BTC 316c 16x dvd-rom
LiteOn 52327S
LiteOn 52246S
Plextor 12x10x32
Benq 4816P
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