Boba_Fett wrote:Amazon has 25 packs of 4x DVD+ and -R for only $14 a pack. Free shipping on orders over $25. Cheaper than buying in 50 or 100 packs for some reason. Currently the cheapest place to get premium Ritek media that I've ever seen ($0.56 a piece). Pick some up now!
dolphinius_rex wrote:Boba_Fett wrote:Amazon has 25 packs of 4x DVD+ and -R for only $14 a pack. Free shipping on orders over $25. Cheaper than buying in 50 or 100 packs for some reason. Currently the cheapest place to get premium Ritek media that I've ever seen ($0.56 a piece). Pick some up now!
The reason the 25 paks are cheaper then anything else is because Ritek is blowing them off dirt cheap all of a sudden... ONLY the 25 packs, and only the branded ones... maybe it has something to do with the link in my signiture???![]()
tazdevl wrote:Dolphin, only thing I see in that thread are a couple asshats that think they are in the know. All they really managed to prove is that they're a couple immature kids that are up past their bedtime.
I picked up a 50 pack of +RWs. Amazon has solid customer service, if there are problems, I'll return them. But Ritek hasn't let me down.
shimman wrote:4x ritek +/-rw 18usd
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/ ... 66-0351220
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/ ... 66-0351220
dolphinius_rex wrote:Ritek *IS* desperate to get rid of these DVDR packs. If you don't want to accept the reason given, then make one up for yourselfHowever, Ritek USA has *NEVER* sent me free DVDRs without me asking for them before, and they have *NEVER* nearly begged me to order a product before, or boasted about a super low special price. This all happened very recently! The fact that I've been *TRYING* to hint towards this information for the last 3 months or so might also be a hint for you.
shimman wrote:where i got these deals? find for yourself
ritek 8x +r 25pk 18usd
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/ ... 64-3592164
i am too laze to find the page by myself, and i don't think giving some credit for these deal sites are bad things to do.
Boba_Fett wrote:Interesting. So are you saying JUST because Ritek didn't recognize you as a humongous OEM worth their time, you think they are offing non-A quality RMA's? How is this hinting at anything? Maybe you are thinking a little too highly of your media distribution company or whatever outfit you are currently employed at. No offense is intended here, I just personally think this is a proof-less case... that and Ritek has yet to disapoint me with their G04 disks (Their 2x media sucked ass though...).
dolphinius_rex wrote:It has nothing to do with the size of my "media distribution company". I know Ritek USA's stance on my workplace, they could care less about us... they've made that abundantly clear on multiple occasions. Which again makes me wonder why they are all of a sudden begging for us back?
And if Ritek's G04 is so good, why is Ritek dropping it in favor of a new 4x DVD-R?? Ritek is up to some odd stuff right now, and I for one have had enough of their crap! And I'm not alone. From now on the only Ritek I am using is the stuff they send me for free as purchase bait... and I'll probably end up selling it off on buy/sell/trade forums anyways(they sent me 75 free DVDRs in the last 7 days!!! WHY? I didn't ask for them, only a few 8x DVD-Rs for testing, and they sent me 2 25pc spindels of various products...).
tazdevl wrote:So after reading around... has anyone figured out if the Ridata with the arrow on the media or the shiny silver are the bad ones?
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