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Really getting out of hand!

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Really getting out of hand!

Postby dolphinius_rex on Tue Jun 22, 2004 1:09 am

Ok, now with CDFreaks, there were at least some reasons behind things, and deffinatly some rules that had been breached.... but this, THIS is just stupid!

http://www.fatwallet.com/forums/message ... did=327897

I swear, I had NOTHING to do with this thread, I was simply sent a link, it fell apart pretty much before my eyes too.

Now, being that I'm the guy flipping all the bills for the stock, and running all the risks, I can easily and 100% for sure guarentee that MonteLDS is *NOT* on my staff in any way shape or form. He's a customer through and through, and a happy one at that.

I am so pissed off over this! I mean, yeah, other topics have been locked, and we've been in trouble before, but we were at fault, and there were reasons. But this was pointless and stupid. What does it take to offer people a good deal? Damn it, the ONLY reason I got these damn DVDRWs in the first place is because I knew I could offer a cool product, for less then half the price of the competition. And the discs are good too! Probably some of the best RWs out there not coming from Mitsubishi Chemicals!

Can't people get it through their freaking skulls that if it was about profit I'd be selling these things for like $1 less then shop4tech instead of half the price!!!

What will it take to convince people that I'm only trying to offer a good deal, and let people know about it. I'm not trying to scam anyone, I'm not trying to get rich, I'm not trying to abuse forums. Can't a person just try to do something nice for another? #-o

so after all that, I'd like to say thank you to the members of this forum, for looking at things for how they are, instead of how they may look. This is the ONLY forum where myself and Aviationwiz haven't been all but tar and feathered, (not to mention anyone else that tries to offer support). So thank you for having open minds.
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Postby aviationwiz on Tue Jun 22, 2004 1:13 am

Yeah, they even posted my freaking address on there. A mod removed it after I reported it. Monte is sure as hell not making a profit on this, hell, dolphin & I barely are. We could make a lot more by selling these at $6 a pop, twice our current price, and still have the lowest price in town. I just made my domain registration private because of that ordeal. :roll:

I think that a part of the definition of "hot deal" is that it is coming from a multi-billion dollar corporation, because when it's coming from 2 guys trying to do good for the community, it sure as hell isn't.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Tue Jun 22, 2004 1:28 am

If people are willing, I would really appreciate it if they would send messages to the mods/admins of fatwallet.com over this. Not because of what they did to us, but because of the abuse poor MonteLDS suffered. It was uncalled for, and it was cruel.

I would do this myself also, but given the circumstances, I think it would go over badly...

I'm sorry Monte! I hope you will get justice on those assholes! (you too aviationwiz!)
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Postby aviationwiz on Tue Jun 22, 2004 1:42 am

That made me sick, I've emailed the admin email address I can find.
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Postby Ian on Tue Jun 22, 2004 8:46 am

Yeah, that does suck. However, I can also see it from the mods point of view. They really don't want every Tom, Dick and Harry coming to their forum and advertising their own "deals". I would probably do the same if it was someone new to the forum, but I know you guys and I'm aware of what you're trying to do.
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Postby Kennyshin on Tue Jun 22, 2004 5:45 pm

I have worse experiences. It happens even when you are "selling" something at US$2 per unit which you bought at US$5 from manufacturers directly by the thousands. And I did so on people's request to do it for them though they didn't tell me to lose money explicitly. Wonder what I have heard? I was accused of trying to destroy South Korean market. KBench.com even once threatened me to delete my account there because they were there for profits and to protect their partners, to which Hynix and Samsung and their distributors also belong. I imported Crucial memory modules, NEC DVD writers, Princo DVD media, for example. Much of the expense I paid, but even that does not make me any less guilty.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Tue Jun 22, 2004 6:04 pm

Wow! Kennyshin, I had no idea!

So does that mean that you were serious about the 10,000pcs? for that quantity, I could have it branded Kennyshin 2x DVD-RWs for you :wink:
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Postby Ian on Tue Jun 22, 2004 8:59 pm

You could silk screen his picture right onto the discs.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Tue Jun 22, 2004 10:02 pm

Ian wrote:You could silk screen his picture right onto the discs.

Yup, and it would only cost an additional $0.09 USD or so per disc :wink: (for full colour)
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