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Premium Troubles

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Premium Troubles

Postby aviationwiz on Tue Jun 22, 2004 3:28 am

Anyone have any ideas?

When I have my Premium plugged in, when it's on DMA mode, every optical drive program will crash, nothing will run, at all.

When I have my Premium plugged in, when it's in PIO mode, the software all works fine, I just can't burn it any faster than 32x (or maybe 24x?) without having the BPRec kick in big time (last burn was 88 times!)

When I don't have my Premium plugged in, software works fine.

Any ideas?
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Re: Premium Troubles

Postby MediumRare on Tue Jun 22, 2004 3:35 am

aviationwiz wrote:Any ideas?

Buy a LiteOn. :wink:

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Postby aviationwiz on Tue Jun 22, 2004 3:44 am


My Lite-On would have broken down 6 months ago...LOL.

Just emailed Plextor, I rememer buying it at the end of June 2003, just under a year ago.
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Postby MediumRare on Tue Jun 22, 2004 4:22 am

I take it that this just started recently. The standard procedure then is to retrace your steps- what did you change- new hardware (did this problem start after you installed the 712A?), drivers, whatever- even small seemingly unimportant changes. Famous second-last words: "I did nothing but ..."

If I recall correctly, you have a fairly complex system. Maybe you're out of DMA channels?

OT- isn't it the middle of the night now in Minnesota?

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Postby aviationwiz on Tue Jun 22, 2004 12:33 pm

Yeah, it was the middle of the night, I like staying up late. Just got up. I tried the dumb thing in 2 computers, so it can't by my settings...I think...
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Postby pchilson on Tue Jun 22, 2004 1:33 pm

aviationwiz wrote:Seriously...

My Lite-On would have broken down 6 months ago...LOL.

Just emailed Plextor, I rememer buying it at the end of June 2003, just under a year ago.

Let's see...
LiteOn "would have" but didn't...
Plextor "shouldn't have" but did... :roll:
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Postby aviationwiz on Tue Jun 22, 2004 1:56 pm

pchilson wrote:
aviationwiz wrote:Seriously...

My Lite-On would have broken down 6 months ago...LOL.

Just emailed Plextor, I rememer buying it at the end of June 2003, just under a year ago.

Let's see...
LiteOn "would have" but didn't...
Plextor "shouldn't have" but did... :roll:

It's hard for something that I don't have to break! :o
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Postby CowboySlim on Tue Jun 22, 2004 3:08 pm

Was it initially delivered by FedEx?

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Postby aviationwiz on Tue Jun 22, 2004 3:32 pm

Beats me, bought it at BBY. Probably delivered via private courier to BBY :roll:
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Postby hoxlund on Tue Jun 22, 2004 6:16 pm

best buy in deed does use there own in house courier

at least thats the way it was in our best buy, had there own shipping department for deliverys
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be quiet! Straight Power 1200 Platinum PSU
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Postby smartin4 on Tue Jun 22, 2004 8:39 pm

Maybe it was those mean, unfair mods at CDFreaks that caused this problem?

You should really send a genuine apology to the mods over there and maybe it will start working again with no problems.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Sorry, I just couldn't resist.
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Postby aviationwiz on Tue Jun 22, 2004 8:46 pm

For your information smartin "smart-aleck" 4, I did send over a genuine apology, haven't heard a thing back from them, and frankly, I don't care at this point. I did what was right, and that is send an apology. If they chose not to accept it, so be it.
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Postby smartin4 on Tue Jun 22, 2004 8:53 pm

Dude, chill out, it was only a JOKE.

Please learn to relax and not take everything so personally.
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Postby aviationwiz on Tue Jun 29, 2004 10:50 pm

OK, I'm RMA'ing it, will let you all know how the process goes. I read it takes 5-7 business days before the ship out a new one, well, let me tell you, I've had better! Maxtor was 2 business days, and so was newegg. However, they do ship it back via UPS (3 Day Select for Out of CA customers, Ground for in CA customers.) I have to admit though, that is very smart business there, good for cost-saving, why pay extra for 3 Day when it takes less than that by Ground anyways, heh.
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Postby aviationwiz on Fri Jul 09, 2004 10:54 pm

New one's been shipped via UPS 3 Day Select, and I'll have it Tuesday. They got it on Wednesday, and shipped me a new one the next day. Best RMA service I've had...better than Maxtor even. Pretty good for technically being out of warrenty (a few weeks longer than a year)
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Postby CowboySlim on Sat Jul 10, 2004 2:44 pm

Thank Kerry it's not FedEx!

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Postby aviationwiz on Mon Jul 12, 2004 8:51 pm

Got my Premium today. UPS came, I wasn't upstairs, didn't hear the door, so they left an info-notice, I got it an hour after that, went online, and selected Same Day Will Call (I pick it up) my local UPS office in Maple Grove called me & said I could pick it up after 7PM, then about 10 minutes later, Maple Grove office called again and said he would be right by. Signed for it, and got my drive. Brand new drive. Great service. I think Plex takes the cake when it comes to RMA service, best I've had.

Oh, and the drive was about 3 weeks out of warrenty when I sent it in.
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