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CDFreaks, Masters of Rudeness

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CDFreaks, Masters of Rudeness

Postby aviationwiz on Sun Jun 20, 2004 8:37 pm

Sick of CDFreaks, worse than FedEx, by far!

OK, so I post about the DVD's I'm selling in thier equivalent to the Beer Garden, Sseth was being a smart-ass, and so were a few others, and then it was removed, I figured, OK, wrong forum, as that's what they were complaining about.

So, I got and post it in the equivalent to the Hot Deals forum, apparently you can't advertise for yourself, only for others, so, it's locked. OK, sh*t happens.

Someone else goes and posts about it in the same forum, it's not breaking the rules, as it wasn't someone affiliated with me, well, they lock that too, and I end up being sin banned. Meaning, I can read the forums, but I can't post.

So then, I nicely send an appology email to the admin's and mod's at CDFreaks, I did they yesterday, over 24 hours ago, plenty of time for some of them to get back to me. Well, not a single one explains the issue further, or tells me what's going on.

So, I take all the images I've posted on CDFreaks, and take them down, I don't want a site that is the master of rudeness to use up my limited bandwith on my server.

We'll see what happens, but they are the worst.

There's my rant of the day.
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Postby dhc014 on Sun Jun 20, 2004 9:23 pm

Well, they (or should I say we since I'm a mod) sure aren't your mother.

The purpose of the forum is not to assist you in your personal business ventures.

They were fully justified in their actions and if you feel that they were rude, then by all means you should tell everyone you know how horrible it was of them not to help you make money.

The internet is not the Disney Channel, my friend.
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Postby aviationwiz on Sun Jun 20, 2004 9:52 pm

The rule is unjustified, but it's there, oh well, as I said, sh*t happens. This sin banned thing is the thing ticking me off.
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Postby rdgrimes on Sun Jun 20, 2004 10:14 pm

Awiz, you were dealt with in the way your were, for one reason only. And that's your attitude. (which really sucks).
If you had posted your advertisement in the proper forum with a brief explanation of what you guys are doing, it would have been allowed. But instead, you chose to spout your childish attitude when you got corrected, and that's what got you where you are. Act like a child and you get treated like one.

It's also good to note that repeatedly sending PM to multiple mods and admins to try to push your attitude is considered spamming, and this is also explained in the rules of the forum. All these rules are completely appropriate and correct, and are applied as evenly as possible. I personally have removed dozens of "commercial" posts from the forums, as has every other mod there. You were not being singled out in any way, just corrected for your error in judgement. What followed after that was entirely your own doing.
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Postby aviationwiz on Sun Jun 20, 2004 11:03 pm

I wouldn't call sending an apology note to multiple mods "spam." It was simply an apology to point out that I realize my mistake, and it's passed. Speaking of which, still haven't heard from anyone that I sent it to.
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Postby rdgrimes on Sun Jun 20, 2004 11:49 pm

I've read your "apologies". Most people would not consider statements like: "Your rules are stupid" to be part of an apology. In any case, what you need to do is contact Taxman and tell him that you regret your display of attitude, and leave the insults out. Tax is the one who binned you, and only he can un-bin you. To put it another way, you messed with the wrong person.

If you can't understand how your attitude offends others, then you have more problems than just childishness. All anyone wants from you is the same respect and consideration that you are so immmaturely demanding from them. Insults and silly demands don't cut it. A real adult can admit when he's wrong and own up to it. It's your attitude that you need to appologise for, not your advertisement.

Read your own PM's and posts and ask yourself if this is someone that others would care to have around. If you wish that others would want you around, try acting like like you want to be around them. (Your "superior" attitude isn't what I had in mind.) At this point, you have exhausted any good will you had there, so try generating some.

Or not. It's your choice. Did you think that posting all over the net about how you were "treated" would help your cause? If you keep it up, you'll need a note from your Mom to get back into CDFreaks. [-X
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