I'm not going to get into another long thread publicly because it most assuredly will get into a flame war again, mostly because 15 year olds like Jaime and Aviation cannot control their 30 seconds of fame.
I'll just make this one post, and then move on with other more worthwhile expenditures of my time. I started speaking up because too few conservatives speak out in reaction to the democratic and liberal vitriolic attacks. What these groups do not understand however, is that America does not respond to repeated bashing, attacking, and tearing people down...unless they then offer some positive, constructive alternatives.
The predominant theme and strategy among liberals and Democrats is solely to attack Bush. It won't work to have Gore, George Soros, Kennedy, Michael Moore, and others screeching away like a whore being forced to go to Church. That is why Kerry will lose this election....so keep on doing it....see what happens.
Bush's poll numbers are already climbing as I predicted. You can also see
some upward movement on the President's approval ratings polls, which will continue to climb.
In closing, I will answer your question directly and say that anything is possible. Everyone has a bias, and it affects the way they see the world. However, the liberal media bias is based upon the direct admission of the people in this group.
Every single one of the network television news anchors, 60 Minutes staff, Sunday morning talk show moderators are all 100% self-admitted democrats and liberals. It is not a secret, and easy to verify. Use google and ask about them all such as: "Is Dan Rather a Democrat?" Even Walter Cronkite was.
If you then think that some corporate executive tells them what to put on the news that day, or how to spin a story, you are both wrong and naive. That's not how news organizations work.
The facts are out there about the high percentage of self-avowed Democrats and liberals that run, supervise, and deliver television news, newspapers, Hollywood producers, directors, & actors, lawyers, and college professors. You can look up the independantly done surveys, or find their own words to verify it. In turn, I will admit that Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and most of the talk radio personalities are almost all conservative republicans to a fault.
You just saw yesterday and today that the liberal media inaccurately reported headlines on the
unreleased 911 commission report, where they say that the commission report directly contradicts Bush who supposedly stated an Al Queda/Iraq (Hussein)/911 connection. I just watched Lee Hamilton (D from Indiana) who is on the commission, castigate the media for doing this, and that their lies to discredit Bush are not true....of course you would only see that presented on FOX News.
The facts are that Bush/Cheney stated clearly that there was a connection
between Al Queda & Iraq (Hussein), but NEVER said that this connection extended to Iraqi (Hussein) direct involvement in 911. The commission agrees with Bush on the Al Queda/Iraq connection, but the media would have everyone believe that Bush extended this connection to 911, despite Bush never saying that.
Others in the media, spearheaded by the likes of Senator Kennedy (who murdered Mary Jo Kopechne in his drunken covered up car accident) think that Bush should be impeached for lying to the nation about WMD's. But none in the media will dare attack Kerry, Clinton, many other democrats, the UN, the French, etc. etc. for then also "lying" because they all said the exact same thing repeatedly to the American people and the world.
UN Resolution 1441 declared that the WMD's not only still existed, but demanded that Hussein account for them, and turn them over, or face serious consequences. When Clinton was president, he not only stated the same accusations about Iraq/Hussein having WMD's, but also said that he was a serious threat to our country and the world. Are all these others attacked and villified for lying by the liberal media? Nope.
I have no problem with the media leveling strong accusations if they are based on facts (we are not done looking for the WMD's yet), and applied equally to both political parties. What I and many conservatives object to is the one sided presentation as was the case on this forum before I stepped in. It is the ONLY reason that FOX News has become the number one news station. It is the reason that Kerry will lose this election.
Good discussions legalized dope! Peace....over and out! I will make no further replies on this forum.