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Need a REALLY fault tolerant ripping utility

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Need a REALLY fault tolerant ripping utility

Postby Ravenrex on Sat Jun 12, 2004 5:14 pm

I'm trying to rip some DVD's into ISO's to reburn and I'm running into problems with a few of them either not reading fully or having bad sectors on them or something. Are there any programs that can either skip over the bad sectors or just complete the ISO without them so that what can be read can be burnt back to another disk? The disks in question are some home movie disks that were burned to DVD-R disks, no encryption, no region encoding, no copyright issues. I've tried smartripper, CloneDVD, and IsoBuster, but no luck. The best I can get is to get up to about 99% ripped then I get a CRC error. Is there some setting in one of these that I can tell it to either ignore the error or skip on over it and keep going? If I lose a few seconds of the video it's no big deal, I'll live with it, it's not like it's a feature movie or anything where I'll miss that one scene or anything. I just want an ISO that I can reburn to another disk.

My burner is a DRU700A, and I also have a TEAC DW548D DVD/CDRW drive. The TEAC drive seems a little better in reading the disks than the SONY as it gets to a point further along before it gives me a failure message, but this is really frustrating. I've inspected the surfaces of the disks and there appears to be no significant or even noticeable damage or scratches on them. I've tried cleaning them and trying over, but same thing, no ISO.

Any help would be appreciated.
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Postby burninfool on Sat Jun 12, 2004 6:54 pm

Have you tried DVDDecrypter?
In Tools->Settings->I/O tab select Ignore Read Errors,then go to the Device tab and select Fast Error Skip.
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Postby Ravenrex on Sat Jun 12, 2004 7:43 pm

burninfool wrote:Have you tried DVDDecrypter?
In Tools->Settings->I/O tab select Ignore Read Errors,then go to the Device tab and select Fast Error Skip.

I'll give that a shot, right now I'm trying Blindwrite on one of them. It seems to be taking a while, but it hasn't errored out yet. The byte count on the ISO image is still creeping up, just not at a stellar rate. It slowed down about 75% of the way along and has been slowly creeping for about an hour or so. I'll see what kind of result I get when I let it finish.
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