There are ample resources that have actually reported the independant polls of network media staff.
Well I'm not willing to open up the idiots of society to start popping acid as they drive down highway 59 with my family in the back seat. It's bad enough with alcohol.
I can hear all the legal defenses in murder cases already. It was the drugs....and you made them legal...how can it be my clients fault that he killed a family of 6?
XXXXX wrote:I completely disagree again. For the 5th time (Please try to read it this time)....Bush is entitled to running his "playful" negative ads because the mainstream media is so liberal and dedicated to getting him out of office. As such, he has to strike back with ads, and strike in a way that gives him the most bang for the buck. I would not say this if the press was not liberal.
XXXXX wrote:Neither of us know for sure why the Fox ratings are so high, but my suggestion is that people are sick and tired of getting censored news. It is not perfect, and leans towards conservative (which is fine, since it's the only one doing it)...but it does make a sincere attempt to be "fair and balanced" on many occasions. They have Juan Williams (Mr. Liberal PBS), for balance on a panel. Alan Combs to balance Hannity, etc. None of that happens on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC.
XXXXX wrote:No, they actually have already defined him...beyond trying.....in part because they make fun of things like his flip-flopping that he has so aptly and repeatedly demonstrated....so they hit home.
Unlike you, I prefer to get my information directly from the horse's mouths. Once it goes into someone's personal agenda, you will then only get their analysis of it. Chomsky is an avowed fringe personality, so I could not expect any of his comments to be the least be objective, or to represent in this case what the actual Al Queda foundations say.
I'm glad I had this opportunity again tonight to educate you all to following the "true path."
XXXXX wrote:aviationwiz wrote:XXXXX wrote:wicked1 wrote:my only comments are I am glad to hear Reagan is gone. Feel free to be offended but it was he who started the war on drugs,the union breakups,86 machine gun laws and a few other things that I very much disliked him for.
You are a worthless douche bag. No further comment is warranted.
In wicked1's defense, which if you go back months in various threads, you'll know I very rarely agree with him. What he said is an opinion, are you saying that his opinions are wrong? It's the same as someone saying that Reagan was the best president because of X, Y & Z.
In this country, we all have the right to our opinion, popular or unpopular, don't call him a "worthless douche bag" for him having an opinion that you disagree with.
This has nothing to do with you. He invited us to feel free to be offended, and I was on the eve of his funeral. My assessment of him being a worthless douche bag stands. You would have to have me banned from the forum or a moderator to edit and censor it.
XXXXX wrote:aviationwiz wrote:XXXXX wrote:JamieW wrote:Jesus, this is still going on? Its good to see that XXXXX has finally mixed in discussion with his "omg, if you disagree with Bush you are a liberal democratic lunatic." If you aren't with us, you're against us? Nice.
Don't put words in my mouth. I said no such thing....that is your own ignorant preconceived ideas speaking.
Again, here I am coming to JamieW's defense, which we all know is something I would *NEVER* do, I often times disagee with him, but here it goes:
No offense, but you are just about saying that, not directly, but when you look at what you have said often times on the last few pages, it all fits into JamieW's comment.
I think we can all benefit from you only giving us the benefit of your infinite wisdom in regards to posts that involve you. Do you always poke your nose into everyone's private bedrooms too?
When I made this thread, I meant it so that people could simply say what they thought about the man & his life, and give thier regards, not for it to be turned into a flame-fest. In fact, let's look at who made it a flame-fest. The FL sh*t started when Ian made a comment about the outcome of the election that year, and then it went into full force from there. You brought Kerry into the thread, and again, it went into full force.
XXXXX wrote:but in short, both aviation and Jaime are typical Kerry idiots
XXXXX wrote: Have you and your Kerry cronies begun reading the latest polls to see George's climb back up? Read 'em and weep gentlemen.
leg4li2ed0pe wrote:Unlike you, I prefer to get my information directly from the horse's mouths. Once it goes into someone's personal agenda, you will then only get their analysis of it. Chomsky is an avowed fringe personality, so I could not expect any of his comments to be the least be objective, or to represent in this case what the actual Al Queda foundations say.
A few points. You TOLD me to look at analysis. I was just pointing some analysis out to you that I have looked at and that I think YOU should look at. Its not like listening to him I take every word of what he says as fact. I listen to it critically just like all sources. You yourself said that you were glad people like Rush point out that kerry is liberal. But from what you just stated above shouldn't people only be reading direct quotes from Kerry and not what others say about him? You can't have it both ways. All I suggest though is that you just listen to that talk chomsky gave. Think critically and don't just take everything he says as fact (I know you wouldn't). But really listen and see if maybe YOU could be wrong about something.
leg4li2ed0pe wrote:When I made this thread, I meant it so that people could simply say what they thought about the man & his life, and give thier regards, not for it to be turned into a flame-fest. In fact, let's look at who made it a flame-fest. The FL sh*t started when Ian made a comment about the outcome of the election that year, and then it went into full force from there. You brought Kerry into the thread, and again, it went into full force.
It may be a flamefest between you and XXXXX but we are having a perfectly civilized discussion.
JamieW wrote:Nevermind, XXXXX has managed to erase any progress in the direction of civility.
XXXXX, you are an uncivilized, arrogant ass who is so caught up in his own righteous crusade against the left you will continue to be the failure you have been showing us you are. You have managed to get aviation to defend me, something I don't think anyone has accomplished. You've managed to get me to defend Green Party and the left, another thing almost never done. And all this because I think you are horrible representative of even your own views. It is people like yourself so caught up in the idea of their intellect that manage to cause far more harm than good to their own ideals because of their inability to communicate, respect, or understand causes an immediate invalidation of what they are saying. And then any views you had which were valid are lumped into the same category and ignored which hurts even your own purposes.
aviationwiz wrote:Wow, that's the first time I've actually seen someone say that you *DON'T* want them to vote for you.
I wanted to refrain from saying this, but XXXXX, you & George W. Bush bring a bad name to the Republican Party.
Again, as I & JamieW pointed out, you are the only one who has gotten it so that JamieW & I, cooperate, at any length.
JamieW even said that he was a Bush supporter, not a Kerry supporter, so why are you so insistent that he is a Kerry supporter?
JamieW wrote:I suppose pro-Bush would be misleading. I'm just not as anti-Bush as much as I'm anti-Kerry. For awhile, I was giving Kerry consideration, but I just can't bring myself to vote for Kerry. I thought anything would be better than Bush. Then they showed me Kerry. I was wrong.
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