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Nero AAC encoder... From who did Ahead licensed it?

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Nero AAC encoder... From who did Ahead licensed it?

Postby cold_fusion on Sat Jun 05, 2004 12:37 pm

Hello. I was wondering about Nero AAC encoder. From who did they get a license from? I know that iTunes got their AAC license from Dolby Labs. I wonder if Nero did the same or got it from some other company. The quality of iTunes encoder is bounded to CBR when Nero actualy uses both CBR & VBR. In a few word I wanted to know whos codec is better?

Thank you very much,
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AAC Nero (Ahead, Fraunhoffer and Thomson France)

Postby HardwareHarry on Sat Jun 12, 2004 11:40 am

I read that Fraunhoffer and the french Thomson helped together with the Ahead engineers enhanced their version, I must say it works fine and sounded GREAT! for me. (you can choose for MP3PRO as well, but prefer mp4/AAC)

It depends on your own taste and experience, so I experienced that REALplayer sounded for me the best with MP3. (Used to work with Creative, but now REAL is favorite for me) to STREAMING VIDEO too!
NERO Mix sounded best for me with WMA...
and AAC/mp4 with NERO.
You can find more detailed information on the Nero Digital site....http://www.nerodigital.com

and ofcourse: http://www.cdrlabs.com/articles/index.php?articleid=19

greetz Harry

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Postby CCampbell on Sun Jun 13, 2004 9:56 pm

Yes, our MP4 or AAC audio Encoder is our own. We prefer to develop our own encoders than to license them whenever possible.

You can read up on comparisons of our Encoder and others at www.hydrogenaudio.org

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