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Please insert a blank CD.....except I already DID insert it!

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Please insert a blank CD.....except I already DID insert it!

Postby hopeevans on Mon May 31, 2004 12:18 pm

Help! I'm using LiteOn486S (?? that's what it says, anyway) and it USED to work. Now, every time I try to burn something, it tells me there is no cd in the drive. Insert one. Did that. Won't start burning, tells me to insert a cd. What the?

This started happening when I downloaded Winamp, btw. I don't *think* it's driver-related, but I am just a girl, so what do I know?

Anyone? Anyone?
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Postby burninfool on Mon May 31, 2004 4:50 pm

What program are you using to burn?
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I've tried them all

Postby hopeevans on Tue Jun 01, 2004 6:39 am

I've tried it using Media Player, Dell Jukebox and Real One. They all tell me the same thing.
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Postby sgegreen on Tue Jun 01, 2004 1:33 pm

My LiteOn LTN486S is a CD-ROM drive, not a writer. Is it possible you have the wrong drive selected in your writing software?
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Postby bill on Sun Jun 06, 2004 9:27 am

The timing may be a coincidence... I had the same thing happen to a TDK drive ( rebadged Liteon ) kept on one of our construction sites. I used compressed air to clean the drive and all worked fine afterwards.
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