The Media Compatibility threads (
CD and
DVD) have plenty of information, but I'm not sure if they warrant a new forum dedicated solely to them. It may be easier for results to come in as new threads (i.e. Member X tests Ritek G04 with NEC 2500A and posts his results in a new thread on the CD/DVD Media Compatibility Forum) rather than adding results on to the sticky topics. Although, maybe new threads would cause more clutter.
Another issue: frequency. The CD-RW Compatibility thread has really waned. Sure, it receives plenty of views, but not many posts anymore. The infrequency of posts/updates may not warrant a forum dedicated to CD/DVD Media Compatibility. Although, frequency may pick up again, what with DVD burners on the rise, in popularity at least.
I still update the CD-RW Compatibility List whenever I receive new results. And one day, perhaps I will take on the task of organizing the DVD Compatibility thread into a list like its CD-RW counterpart.

I am kind of purposely waiting for DVD technology to become more mainstream. There isn't even a pervasive error checking program (like Nero CD Speed) for DVD's, is there? Yeah yeah yeah, I know its full title is Nero CD/DVD Speed, but does it actually check C1 or C2 errors (or whatever the terminology is for DVD's) on a fairly accurate basis?
No, I like women.