I have a burning question. My sister in Florida's Cable service provider is Time Warner and her Internet provider is AOL but she is billed by Time Warner for all her cable and Internet and not by AOL. What I want to know is if she absolutely has to install AOL software to access email and the Internet. I know here in Canada as soon as your cable modem is activated you are online and never had to install any software from Shaw. I would love it if she could uninstall that bloated spyware from her computer because then I wouldn't have her running up her phone bill calling me in Canada for hours on end talking about her computer problems and seeking help. The other thing that totally amazed me is that while we were talking today she ran a full virus scan using Norton and it took an hour and a half to finish. I couldn't believe it. When I scan my computer with Panda it takes less than 10 minutes. The other thing is according to Norton she has over 200,000 files on her computer I only have 47,000 and I have a ton load more stuff installed on mine than she does. I'm convinced this is related to the AOL software. Can anyone shed any light on this whole AOL installation thing?
Thanking you in advance.