TheWizard wrote:bhairavp wrote:Wizard, what degree are you pursuing?
I already received a degree in Geography. So, I'm all done with school...unless I go to graduate school down the road.
TheWizard wrote:ruderacer wrote:BTW, I have a degree, but do not use it. My job has nothing to do with what I studied.
Rarely do people get a job in the field they received a degree in.
jase wrote:I think it is a little extreme.
Even in Uni, I totally messed up not once, but TWICE. Once I turned up for an exam 2 hours late; they allowed me to take it and didn't knock any points off.
Then I got the dates wrong for handing in my main 3rd year dissertation. The Uni rules dictate 5% off for every day late; I eventually handed the work in 4 days late, yet didn't get any points deducted.
These were very serious lapses on my part, yet they showed me mercy. I don't think it's the case that colleges don't give a rat's ass really.
aviationwiz wrote:Today I was sick, and absent from school, it was an excused absence, as my mom called in.
My Science teacher called my Dad about a paper that I didn't turn in today which was due (because I wasn't there!) and said that by turning it in tomorrow, which is when I expect to be back in school, I loose 20 pts. on the paper. Can my Science teacher do that, even if it is absent excused (which it is
EDIT: That's 20%, not 20 pts. It's worth 500 pts. so it's 100 pts. off, mark my words, I *WILL* fight for those pts.
XXXXX wrote:aviationwiz wrote:Today I was sick, and absent from school, it was an excused absence, as my mom called in.
My Science teacher called my Dad about a paper that I didn't turn in today which was due (because I wasn't there!) and said that by turning it in tomorrow, which is when I expect to be back in school, I loose 20 pts. on the paper. Can my Science teacher do that, even if it is absent excused (which it is
EDIT: That's 20%, not 20 pts. It's worth 500 pts. so it's 100 pts. off, mark my words, I *WILL* fight for those pts.
It's amazing to see that they start breeding ignorance into liberals at the age of 15 these days. LMFAO! (Obvious spelling, improper capitalization, failure to close parantheses, and confusion over large numbers like 500 vs. 100 are highlighted in bold, red above for the audience's attention.)
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