dodecahedron wrote:R52QS0E57, R52QS0E58 and R52QS0E5A on the website.
To clarify, these are QS0E/QS57, QS0E/QS58, and QS0E/QS5A. These flashers each carry two firmwares.
QS0x is the firmware for the original 52327S.
QS5x is the firmware for the 2nd hardware revision of the 52327S.
So if you have the original 52327S, then these three flashers will all contain the exact same firmware for your drive (QS0E).
If you have the 2nd hardware revision (you can tell by what your current firmware is), then you'll be comparing QS57 with QS58, QS5A, and whatever QS5x firmware you currently have in your drive.