MonteLDS wrote:UALOneKPlus wrote:Who's it for? I'm thinking you should save your money.
I am
Bank Acccount: $2300
Jonathan, this reminds me of a quote from the book "The Millionaire next door" - a healthy, loving relationship is one of the key factors many millionaires became wealthy - it was a side effect of being truly content with their partners.
Unhealthy relationships can cause financial disaster.
Two personal experiences:
1 - a dear friend of mine whom I partied with during college got into several unhealthy relationships, one after the other. He was very handsome, easy going, and naturally likeable guy who had a very bright future. Unfortunately due to his obession with a couple girls who were the "use and abuse" types, he got kicked out of college, he started smoking and drinking heavily. A girl he really loved cheated on him and got pregnant by another guy, and he actually took her back when her relationship with the other guy fell apart. That same girl eventually wrecked a newer vehicle that my friend was driving for work, with no insurance coverage, so he ended up filing for bankruptcy.
I'm shocked when I see my friend these days - he's signicantly overweight, drives a POS car, is heavily in debt, and has tried to bum cigarette money off me several times (I always say no). An unhealthy relationship can ruin a life.
2 - Not to brag, but I love my wife very much, and vice versa. We know what our limits are, and we respect each other's opinions. We are very blessed to have a beautiful child that we love to spend time with every day, and we have no financial worries whatsoever. In fact, the more time I spend with this wonderful woman, the wealthier I become.
The amount of money you have in your bank account is the same amount I had when I was in college. I became financially successful by studying those who have become wealthy before me, and I took their advice to heart. When I went to the bank yesterday to make a withdrawal, my personal banker was not there. I asked the teller to tell me my balance, and this lady's jaw literally sunk to the floor when she saw my account.
So the moral of my story is, the wrong relationship can wreck your life. ANd I can tell you that with your posts so far, you are in a wrong relationship, and going downhill fast.