Windows XP Home.
went to the computer yesterday morning, windows is messed up.
when the computer is turned on, there's no graphics WinXP loading screen. instead a black/white progress bar (like that of Win2K) at the bottom.
after a few minutes there's a message about a file missing or corrupted: system32/drivers/ntfs.sys. yikes!

then it hangs.
OK took the drive out of and put in my computer, as a slave to my OS hard drive.
upon bootup, after the black WinXP screen but before the blue logon screen, WinXP says the hard drive needs to be checked. if i let the checker run, it does the checking, for a long time. various error messages there, about some stuff not readable (sectors or something), and deleting of parts of files (if i get a chance i'll edit later and write the errors more accurately).
eventually you do get into WinXP (my WinXP Pro).
everything is sluggish.
clicking drive C (that's the bad one) in My Computer, it takes for ever (= a few minutes) to respond in any way. sometimes i get a Not Resonding on that window. if i double click the C drive i get (at best) that it's not accessible or some kind of error meessage like that.
anyway the whole system is sluggish even clicking on the other drives etc.
OK booting into DOS with a floppy.
used sysinternal's NTFSDOS to see the NTFS partition of that bad hard drive.
i can see the files when i type dir.
at least as long as they are file names in Enlish. when i get to subdirs with files whose names are in Hebrew, it freaks out, lists them with weird gibberish graphics, and get's into infinite loops of listing the same gibberish name on the screen a million times.
i can see the files in directories when the names are in English.
i can even see contents of text files with the 'type' command.
however...copying files with 'copy' doesn't work.
tried copying from that hard drive to another one formatted with FAT32, it just won't copy.
frustrating - the files are there. just can't access them from within WinXP or NTFSODS.
any ideas for help please?

(forgot to say - of course there was no backup

any help much appreciated. thanks.