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Dell's E-Mail Support Sucks

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Dell's E-Mail Support Sucks

Postby BuddhaTB on Sat May 22, 2004 7:09 pm

I've e-mailed Dell about 4 or 5 times in the span of 10 days in regards of finding out some info on my Dell Ultrasharp 2001FP LCD screen. I'm tying to find out how long the warranty is for my LCD screen and how much an extended warranty would cost. Since these 2 bits of information are not listed on the Dell website, I tried e-mailing them. I'm just upset that Dell has not replied to any of my e-mails, not even a generic message.

So I try calling the customer support when I come home from work. I get a recorded message saying the call center is closed for the day and lists the hours they are open. I check my watch and according to it, the call center should be open for another hour. So I'm thinking Dell made a mistake by not listing the hours of operation in regards to Eastern, Central, Mountain, or Pacific time zones.

All this time I've heard about how Dell's support is far superior to everyone else, but in reality when I want some info/support, they receive a very poor rating in my book. I just wanted to rant my feelings regarding Dell's support.
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Re: Dell's E-Mail Support Sucks

Postby Shredder on Sat May 22, 2004 10:04 pm

Dell used to offer good customer service. I guess Dell is just one of those big companies looking for more money than their customers' satisfaction now. I've never received a rebate for signing up Internet service through Dell. I sent rebate form in December and was informed that they sent it, but I never received it. I called them several times and they kept telling me either they sent it or to wait some more. So I just gave up since January. Wonder if anyone received rebate for signing up for Internet service through Dell...
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Postby aviationwiz on Sat May 22, 2004 10:10 pm

Dell is the worst company to do business with, hands down. Thier ordering system is bad, thier website is majorly flawed, thier support is bad, the list goes on and on...
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Postby Ian on Sat May 22, 2004 11:16 pm

Yes, if you want good support (someone from the US, not India or Ireland) you have to pay extra for it now.
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