I'm using a SONY DRU-510A and DVD XCOPY Express to make backup copies of my DVD movies onto FUJIFILM 4x DVD-R media.
When I first make the copy, it will play fine in my Toshiba DVD-ROM SD-M1502. After I test the DVD-R and make sure the movie plays and allows skipping around to different parts of the movie without hanging, I use Avery Design Pro 2000 and Avery Ink Jet 8692 CD/DVD Labels to make a nice looking label based on a scan of the original DVD label.
DVD movies such as "Saving Privare Ryan" and "CAST AWAY" have a very dark label. After applying the dark image to the Avery Ink Jet 8692 Label, the movie does not play as well.
The movie will hang at times. Skipping around to different parts of the movie causes hangs. Skipping to any point near the end of the movie is almost always fatal.
I'm thinking this is a flaw with the Toshiba DVD-ROM SD-M1502?
Playback on the SONY DRU-510A is fine, even with the darkest labels.
The Toshiba SD-M1502 playing a movie burned to a DVD-R with a dark label acts similar to when I try to play a DVD+R on this drive.
The Toshiba SD-M1502 does not claim DVD+R capability; but it almost works. The movies hang at times and skipping to any point near the end of the movie is almost always fatal.
I wish someone could come up with an explanation for this.
How could a dark colored (like almost all black) label on the TOP of the DVD-R change the way the Toshiba DVD-ROM SD-M1502 reads the BOTTOM of the DVD-R?
Thanks for any corrections and education anyone can provide!
I have a February 2001 Toshiba Ver. 001 DVD-ROM SD-M1502 with 1012 firmware (original).
I am playing the movies with ATI's DVD player that came with my ATI Radeon video card.