Hello all,
Ive been looking around your board and i think you clever lot might be able to sort out a little problem i have...be gentle im new!
O.K, I have updated my system and have noticed that my dvd burner has been getting more and more unstable every time i use it for dvd copying using Nero 6 Ultra. Finally last night it stopped playing all dvd disks and freezes the system so you have to reboot. I burns and reads cdr media fine. I have updated firmware and cleaned the drive and checked nero but it remains the same. Anybody got any ideas?
My system is as follows;
P4 2.80c, Asus P4v800x, msi5600xt 128,512k 3200 ddr400,Sata 120g HDD, Windows XP.
The drive is set to DMA and is master on primary IDE, I have cdr burner on secondary ide set to master.
Can anyone help??