wicked1 wrote:I would of been alot more respectful if they were to me. Not to mention me and my passenger both saw I never got above 70. I NEVER go over 70 since all those last tickets.
Best to save being upset (in a polite way) for the judge. If your passenger can also provide information, tell the police you disagree with them, but be polite, and ask for their badge numbers, then write them down so you can provide them in court. Police are inclined to take any loud behavior as either obnoxiousness, posturing (like the "I'll get my lawyer" type folks), or being uncooperative. If you're polite, they can't tell the judge "The defendants were uncooperative and behaved in a threatening manner", etc. Being polite lets you go to the judge and then tell him/her that the police were extremely rude to you (write down everything they said to you and the time and date, and testify to it) despite the fact that you gave them your utmost respect. You cannot realize how much this truly impacts the process, but it does.
If you weren't speeding, take it to court. Bring your friend with to testify on your behalf, dress one step up from what you regularly wear, and if you have to kiss the judge's butt at high noon on the courthouse lawn to get off, do it. Just don't lose your cool.