dodecahedron wrote:CowboySlim wrote:Hey, Monte, are you back from your date yet? Are we getting a complete rundown? Did you get a photo of her for your new avatar. New avatars are all the rage this week. Everybody but Awiz is trying out new ones. Well, Hox needs a new one, too.

Slim, you're rich.
yeah how did it go Monte?
i don't think their will be a second date. No picture, she seems really shy / scared around the camera.
The date was cool and all, but you can just tell that their was nothing there. i didn't click like legos. We stated at 10am She didn't talk much when we were alone, except for when we were sitting and talking at lunch. when we were at the lunch and she acttually talked, i was intrested with her; and what she had to say. But after that. it went back to small talk.
Around 4:30pm we hooked up with her friend to go to the Oakland temple. And man did she all of sudden start to talk. I was like, 'where was this girl earlier in the day?!?' Well it was pretty cool. I gave her rain check on going horse back ridding. So if she uses it she does, if not she doesn't.
so to be blunt, i don't really want to go on a second date. as well as she doesn't seem too interested. but then again i was advised that she may just be shy. So if she uses the rain check then yes I will take her out but if not. that is fine too. I don't want to make the move though. She seems like a sweet girl and has a lot going for her. She is rather bussy too! So naybe she'll not have time to use it.
Oh and one more thing, maybe someone can advise me on this. She said she see me at the next dance (tonite/friday), but I don't know if I want to go, because Jennifer may be there. And I really don't want to see her untill the 19th of May since we are on a break right now. Do i risk it to see a girl I am not to interested in or do i just say, nah and go camping with my pops