I have an Excel spreadsheet and would like to compare
columns B and E (both contain text strings) on a ROW by ROW basis.
In other words, I only care whether the data in column B row 3
matches column E row 3- I don't care if the same string is on a DIFFERENT row, only if it is on the same row I am currently comparing.
Therefore I don't think a VLOOKUP is the way to go here.
I have looked online for a bit, and tried a simple formula I found on a an Excel forum:
=IF(B3<>E3,"N"," ")
This is supposed to print N if the values don't match.
I couldn't get it to work - it always printed N, even when the text was identical.
I tried using the TEXT and STRING functions, but couldn't get it to work.
Since I am pressed for time, I wanted to ask for help here, rather than spend the next hour looking online.