I'm not going to tear apart 1, 2, or 3, as those are opinions, which I don't touch.
"He thinks The Second Amendment means exactly what it says. And that my friends gets my Vote everytime as I am a single issue voter."
Interesting, so then...how do you explain this showing of extreme compassion to a fellow human being. From CNN:
Earlier in the day, Tom Mauser, whose son, Daniel, was killed with an assault weapon in the Columbine High School killings five years ago, tried to enter the convention hall where the NRA was meeting, seeking to urge Cheney to support extending the assault weapons ban.
Mauser was turned away by a security guard as several conventioneers applauded. A couple of conventioneers yelled "Get a life" and "Vote for Bush."
I find it lovely that that is what most "gun nuts" (as JamieW, and wicked1 like to put it) react to when someone attempts to use America's political system as it was meant (as you and I are) rather than just supporting the majority and leaving the minority in the dust.
As per moving jobs overseas, I can't stress enough how important it is to keep jobs here in the US, rather than exporting them overseas. Currently, if a company wants to move overseas, that move is subsidized by taxpayers, not right!
As for the Jobs going overseas I say good and fuck all those Union bastards they are the reason.
Very interesting comments, perhaps made with little knowledge of the situation.
Why should teachers, pilots, designers, cashiers, printers, truck drivers, or anyone else be paid less than what they should. The unions help the american worker by making it so that companies have to pay them a fair amount of money, so that thier salaries are keeping up with inflation, so that they can enjoy the finer luxuries in life such as a house, a stable family, etc.
Those who want jobs exported overseas (such as yourself) so that companies who are already making billions each year can make more money, as they are paying thier employees less as they are getting cheap labor, are selfish pigs, no way around it.
No Millionaire left behind, that's W's policy, keep feeding taxpayer dollars to the most wealthy americans, so they can become even wealthier.