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DVD Wizard Pro

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DVD Wizard Pro

Postby DB7713 on Sun Apr 25, 2004 12:09 am

Anyone ever use this?? I found it online and they say that you can burn PS2 and XBOX games with the software and you don't even have to have a mod chip to play them on ur PS2 or XBOX!! Just curious if anyone's tried this or knows where i can get a free trial to test it out before i buy it! Let me know people and if anyone has more information they could share with me about burning PS2 games let me know! I just had a kid and my kid is like Dennis the Menace man!! He picks up anything laying around and just trashes it! I already have DVD X COPY EXPRESS for dvd's so i have backups of all mine stored away but he's gotten into a couple new games and ruined them so i just want something to protect my $50 investments! Thanks and hope to hear some of your thoughts!!
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