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Selling: Bush in 30 seconds DVD

Postby aviationwiz on Wed Apr 14, 2004 5:28 pm

I am selling the Bush in 30 seconds Live DVD from MoveOn.Org

I am selling copies of the disc, so do not expect the original. For those who want it burned on specific media, I can do:
Ritek G04 DVD-R

Default is the DVD-R G04's.

All DVD's come with the original label printed from my Epson R300.

Selling for $7 US each. The $7 US includes standard shipping within the US.

Standard shipping is via either USPS Priority Mail or UPS Ground. Ask about shipping upgrades, will ship internationally, ask first.

I accept PayPal only, please reply here, PM me, or email me: aviationwiz(at)yahoo(dot)com
where (at) is @ at (dot) is .

NOTE: This IS legal, I am not making a profit.

MoveOn.Org Voter Fund strongly encourages the copying, displaying, and redistribution of the ads contained on this DVD, provided that you give proper attribution to the author. To facilitate distribution, this DVD is not encoded with piracy protections.

I am only selling this DVD, so don't ask about other DVD's.

EDIT: Added that standard shipping is included within the US for free.
Last edited by aviationwiz on Wed Apr 14, 2004 5:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Ian on Wed Apr 14, 2004 5:30 pm

Does that $7 include shipping?
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Postby aviationwiz on Wed Apr 14, 2004 5:31 pm

Thanks, I should have added that, yes, $7 includes standard shipping within the US. Editing now...
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Postby Ian on Wed Apr 14, 2004 5:32 pm

I can vouch that this is LEGAL. The people that originally made the disc have given the right to freely distribute it.
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Postby dodecahedron on Wed Apr 14, 2004 6:35 pm

what is this DVD all about?
John Kerry sales pitch?
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Postby aviationwiz on Wed Apr 14, 2004 8:34 pm

dodecahedron wrote:what is this DVD all about?
John Kerry sales pitch?

Haha, no, no. It's the truth. You can look here:
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Postby spryfly on Sun Apr 18, 2004 9:14 am

I can't help but detect an anti-bush sentiment in this forum. If Kerry wins so do the terrorists. Sorry folks, but we can't talk our way out of this one.....
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Postby Ian on Sun Apr 18, 2004 9:54 am

spryfly wrote:I can't help but detect an anti-bush sentiment in this forum. If Kerry wins so do the terrorists. Sorry folks, but we can't talk our way out of this one.....

What? That's crazy talk.
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Postby ClayBuster on Sun Apr 18, 2004 10:16 am

Ian wrote:
spryfly wrote:I can't help but detect an anti-bush sentiment in this forum. If Kerry wins so do the terrorists. Sorry folks, but we can't talk our way out of this one.....

What? That's crazy talk.

Not crazy but if fact the truth. Ian are you getting ready to move to Iraq? :lol:
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Postby aviationwiz on Sun Apr 18, 2004 11:53 am

ClayBuster wrote:
Ian wrote:
spryfly wrote:I can't help but detect an anti-bush sentiment in this forum. If Kerry wins so do the terrorists. Sorry folks, but we can't talk our way out of this one.....

What? That's crazy talk.

Not crazy but if fact the truth. Ian are you getting ready to move to Iraq? :lol:

Yeah, so spryfly, are you that GOP Congressmen that said:

"A loss for Bush is a victory for terrorists." and "A vote for anyone but Bush is like a vote for Adolph Hitler."

Come on people, I don't care where you politically stand, but the terrorists don't win EVER, no (serious) presidential hopeful would stop a war on terror.

It is simply conservative bias, and the conservative news that is telling you that if Bush doesn't win, that it is a victory for terrorists. Sen. Kerry will be just as strong on the war on terror as Pres. Bush, but he won't start wars alone, he'll go in with world-wide support. Remember right after 9/11, everyone was saying "If you don't buy a car, it's like letting the terrorists win." I mean come on, buying a car, terrorists winning, two different things, they just wanted to put more $$$ in thier pockets (auto dealers) The terrorists didn't win when Spain elected a new prime minister, the people of Spain just decided on a new prime minister.
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Postby wicked1 on Sun Apr 18, 2004 4:24 pm

spryfly wrote:I can't help but detect an anti-bush sentiment in this forum. If Kerry wins so do the terrorists. Sorry folks, but we can't talk our way out of this one.....

WTF? I am a pretty die hard gun nut and even I have no chance in hell of voting for bush.I compare him to Nixon.
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Postby spryfly on Sun Apr 18, 2004 7:51 pm

I am the first to admit that Bush isn't perfect, but Kerry as president would be a nightmare. He would turn us into lapdogs for the UN, who by the way are bought and paid for by terrorist arab nations. While I agree that Bush is seriously messing up in iraq, Kerry's soultion would be to pull out and let the United Nations in. If we do that we might as well reinstall sadam as the dictator of iraq.

Kerry is the most liberal democrat in the senate. It is the height of foolishness to have an activist liberal or right wing conservitive in the oval office. While Bush is defininatly a conservative he is MUCH closer to the center than Kerry. I just wish Lieberman had gotten the nomination. He is a true centrist......

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Postby aviationwiz on Sun Apr 18, 2004 8:21 pm

spryfly wrote:He would turn us into lapdogs for the UN, who by the way are bought and paid for by terrorist arab nations.

1. "Terrorist Arab Nations" That's just like a modern day "American" would say, that has listened to too much conservative propaganda. Are you calling all Arab Nations Terrorists? That's what it sure sounds like, and I can tell you, they aren't all. In fact, very few are.

2. "bought and paid for by terrorist arab nations" Hello, anybody home? The US contributes the most money, by far, to the UN. All UN Member Nations contribute, so of course Arab nations are contributing.

3. "bought and paid for by terrorist arab nations" As if Pres. Bush wasn't? Bob Woodward, the journalist that broke Watergate with Burnstien found the following information about the US sharing plans on the Iraqi war to Saudi Arabia, before the war started, confirming that it would for sure happen, and the plans had such a high classified level on them, that it was not supposed to be seen by any foreign nations, no matter what. Oh, yeah, he even told Saudi Arabia BEFORE he told Colin Powell, his secretary of state.

4. "Kerry is the most liberal democrat in the senate."

By far, no. Liberals did not vote for the war! Edward Kenedy & Tom Harkin would be the most liberal democrats in the senate.
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Postby leg4li2ed0pe on Sun Apr 18, 2004 8:45 pm

I do not love kerry. He voted for the war in Iraq. He's not very liberal by my standards. However, spryfly, you are so full of shit I don't even know where to begin. As said above the UN is paid for by all member nations. I would tend to agree that it is mostly paid for by a terrorist nation, though it isn't an arab one. The US is in fact the country that pays the most for the UN, as we should. Kerry really hasn't so much expressed a solution to the Iraq problem. What he has been hinting at is more UN involvement but he won't come out and say what he means. What he means and should say is we should hand over political and military control to the UN. This would still leave the US in charge in reality. The US would still have far more troops than any other nation. This would however allow arab countries to justify to their people going into iraq and what we need is help from arab countries. We should rebuild Iraq like we did East Timor. Kerry isn't very liberal. He was probobly in the middle as far as canidates in the democratic primary went. Kucinich was the only real liberal. I wish he had won. The most liberal person in the senate is Edward Kenady no question. Lieberman was a funny guy. He was such a centerist he stood for nothing. But he didn't take shit from nobody. It was like seeing someone say "I stand for nothing damnit and i'll die for what I stand for!!!" Anyway if he had been nominated I would have supported nader. You sir are the one that has gotten cought up in the party trap. You are basically just saying what you hear in the Bush campaign ads.
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Postby spryfly on Mon Apr 19, 2004 5:58 pm

Some points of clarification, observations, and assertions......

1. It is my belief that most Arab nations are state sponsers of terrorism.

2. When I said that the UN was bought and paid for, I was refering to individual members (read bribes and pay offs) and not contibutions to the administration of the organization.

3. Kisinich is a congressman not a senator (reading comprehension).

4. While I will concede that Kerry did vote for the "use of force", if you actually look at his voting record he is to the left of Edward Kennedy & Tom Harkins

5. To anyone who really believes that the US is a terrorist nation....hey, I have bridge I would like to sell you.....

6. Like I perviosly stated, Bush isn't perfect. I would have supported Leiberman if he was nominated -- a democrat last time I checked. Me caught in the party trap? I think not. I am an independant, and have no party allegence whatsoever. Sometimes I vote Democrat and sometimes I vote Republican (I never vote for third party candidates because it is a wasted vote).

7. What tabloid did you read that piece about Bush and Saudi Arabia in?

8. Nader is a lunatic conspirecy theorist........anyone who would actually vote for him is (in my most humble of opinions) our of their freakin mind.

9. With the mess Bush has made of Iraq, their is a good chance that Kerry may win. If he does, I beleive that we are in store for something much worse than 9-11.

10. The UN should be renamed The League of Nations II. It is a useless organization, unable to enforce it's own mandates. It is a feel good group, and a huge waste of taxpayer dollars.
Last edited by spryfly on Mon Apr 19, 2004 10:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby wicked1 on Mon Apr 19, 2004 6:15 pm

spryfly wrote:8. Nader is a lunatic conspirecy theorist........anyone who would actually vote for him is (in my most humble of opinions) our of their freakin mind.

How do you figure? I did vote for Nader last election btw.Green Party all the way.Why do you say he is a conspiracy theorist? I have never heard anything he has said that I didnt agree with.
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Postby spryfly on Mon Apr 19, 2004 10:35 pm

For Nader everything boils down to this grand conspiricy about how big corperations are taking advantage of the poor little consumer. It's called capitalism, and it's the same system that made him filthy rich. I could take him a bit more seriously if he gave all his money to charity.

Ultimatley the reason I can't stand Nader is that he supports a socialist agenda. Capitalism coupled with democracy is what made this country great. It promotes competition and the desire to better oneself. Socialism is great on paper, but it provides a disincentive to be self relient and productive. It promotes the lowest common denomonator. While strict capitalism isn't pretty on paper, as it requires some to be rich and some to be poor, it works. In the US our poor are better off than the middle to upper class in most countries.
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Postby spryfly on Mon Apr 19, 2004 10:47 pm

I was watching the news tonight and now understand where the info about Bush and Saudi aribia came from. It came from a book by a guy trying to make a buck by stirring up conterversy. It woulkd be prudent to give the story a few weeks to unfold before we condem anybody.
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Postby aviationwiz on Mon Apr 19, 2004 11:35 pm

spryfly wrote:I was watching the news tonight and now understand where the info about Bush and Saudi aribia came from. It came from a book by a guy trying to make a buck by stirring up conterversy. It woulkd be prudent to give the story a few weeks to unfold before we condem anybody.

Dude, Bob Woodward. It's more than a book made by a plain old guy to make a buck. Bob Woodward broke Watergate. He's written several succesful books. Bob Woodward, remember the name.
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Postby dodecahedron on Tue Apr 20, 2004 1:34 am

spryfly wrote: In the US our poor are better off than the middle to upper class in most countries.

my my, what typical American arrogance.
this statement could be true, i guess, depends on what country your'e thinking.
i guess you haven't checked out how the US poor are doing lately.
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Postby spryfly on Wed Apr 21, 2004 8:56 am

dodecahedron wrote:
spryfly wrote: In the US our poor are better off than the middle to upper class in most countries.

my my, what typical American arrogance.
this statement could be true, i guess, depends on what country your'e thinking.
i guess you haven't checked out how the US poor are doing lately.

Only in American are our poor fat......

What you call arrogance, I call pride in the greatest nation since the inception of civilization.
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Postby spryfly on Wed Apr 21, 2004 9:04 am

aviationwiz wrote:
spryfly wrote:I was watching the news tonight and now understand where the info about Bush and Saudi aribia came from. It came from a book by a guy trying to make a buck by stirring up conterversy. It woulkd be prudent to give the story a few weeks to unfold before we condem anybody.

Dude, Bob Woodward. It's more than a book made by a plain old guy to make a buck. Bob Woodward broke Watergate. He's written several succesful books. Bob Woodward, remember the name.

I know who Bob Woodward is....just because he was right about wategate dosen't mean that he is right about everything else. All I am saying is don't take everything at face value. He has a certain financial incentive to make his book as juicy as possible. Don't be so reactionary and beleive everything you read in print. Personally I will wait for the facts to come out and resserve my judgement until then.
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Postby Ian on Wed Apr 21, 2004 4:03 pm

Here are Bush's new campaign slogans:


Taken from America's #1 newpaper:

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Postby aviationwiz on Wed Apr 21, 2004 5:11 pm

spryfly wrote:
dodecahedron wrote:
spryfly wrote: In the US our poor are better off than the middle to upper class in most countries.

my my, what typical American arrogance.
this statement could be true, i guess, depends on what country your'e thinking.
i guess you haven't checked out how the US poor are doing lately.

Only in American are our poor fat......

What you call arrogance, I call pride in the greatest nation since the inception of civilization.

That isn't American pride, that is anti-every other nation except America.
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Postby spryfly on Wed Apr 21, 2004 8:11 pm

aviationwiz wrote:
spryfly wrote:
dodecahedron wrote:
spryfly wrote: In the US our poor are better off than the middle to upper class in most countries.

my my, what typical American arrogance.
this statement could be true, i guess, depends on what country your'e thinking.
i guess you haven't checked out how the US poor are doing lately.

Only in American are our poor fat......

What you call arrogance, I call pride in the greatest nation since the inception of civilization.

That isn't American pride, that is anti-every other nation except America.

I disagree. I am fairly well traveled and have great respect and apreciation for other counties and cultures. However, it is true that the American poor are much better of then the middle class in most other countries. This is not anti everyone else, it is mearly a statement of fact. I am not asserting the superioity of American culture, just our economic and political system. It is not me who is anti everyone else, it is you who are anti America........

This ad hoc back and forth is getting us nowhere. How about we just agree to disagree and leave it at that.
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