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Something to write on cd's and dvd's?

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Something to write on cd's and dvd's?

Postby NoSmartz on Tue Apr 06, 2004 10:52 pm

I usually just write the titles of my music or data on the surface with a sharpie but is there anything out there that can right on a cd like they do on commercially available one?I guess they're laser or something like that.If so are they affordable?No stickable labels that you print out on printers pelase!!!!

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Postby redk9258 on Tue Apr 06, 2004 11:06 pm

Well factory applied artwork is silkscreened. You can buy printable discs and a special printer that prints directly on the disc (Epson).
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Postby evo69 on Wed Apr 07, 2004 8:58 am

ive seen them somewhere. just looked for the link, but cant find it, if i do ill give you it. the ones i was lookin at where around the £700+ mark. probs more like a grand. so in dollars, your probs llokin around 1800 dollars.
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Postby NoSmartz on Wed Apr 07, 2004 9:31 am

yeah I thought I remembered some kinda of printer that does that but I couldn't remember the the name or where it was at online.$1800 is a chunk of change ehh? :D
I didn't know they silk-screened them at the factory(learn somethin' new everyday).Thanx
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Postby MediumRare on Wed Apr 07, 2004 10:37 am

The Canon i865 will also print directly on a disc. This goes for about 180 Euros in Germany, but is hard to find. I "just" upgraded to a Canon i850 last year (after 11 years with a DeskJet 500 B/W :roll:), otherwise I would have gone with that one.

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