Hi all, have a question about backing up files to DVD media, + Or -. Using a Sony U10A drive (OEM) with the latest Nero updates. Does the software Program (Nero) tell you that you do or do not have have enought room to Burn the slected files to the media prior to starting the Burn ? My Nero 6 tells me nothing, it starts the Burn and at 75% the system locks up requiring a reboot, and let me tell you folks its Dam annoying. There is a lot of brains in this forum and I would like to have your help. ABS says it could be a windows issue and wants me use my recovery disk to repair the the OS, Nero says it the fermware for the drive. The drive does have the latest firmware installed and the systen is less than a year old and is 90% free. The system has 1 Gig of Ram, 2.8, P4 with XP Pro and SP1, RAID 0 confg with 2WD 120GB's installed.... your input is grately appreciated
Thanks: Joeboy