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LTR 52246S no longer recognizing IMATION media?

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LTR 52246S no longer recognizing IMATION media?

Postby jonliu on Sun Apr 04, 2004 3:32 am

I bought a LTR 52246s (cendyne retail box) June of last year. I've been using Imation 48X cdr's since then. But about a month ago my burner stopped working properly. When i click burn using nero it never really starts. I hear the cd start to spinning but stops after about 1 second. It continues to just start and stop until i stop the burn. It never get's past 3 percent. I just upgraded the firmware and drivers...but no luck. I then found some old samsung 16x CD-R's and gave those a shot..low and behold it worked. So what do you guys think the problem is?

I bought it from officmax through rebate. Does office max honor returns if the UPC is cut out?
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Postby dhc014 on Sun Apr 04, 2004 11:42 am

Media problem... use other discs.
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Postby TheWizard on Sun Apr 04, 2004 8:59 pm

This doesn't surprise me, look up the Lite-On LTR-52246S in this thread and notice the poor results with Imation discs. None of the Imation/CMC discs tested would burn completely at any speed, which translates into errors galore. As dhc014 pointed out, use other discs. If the 16X Samsungs work well for you, stick with them. Or, refer to the above thread to find other discs that work well with your drive.
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Postby wicked1 on Mon Apr 05, 2004 12:33 am

I have a liteon 52246S and absolutely love it. I have not had any problems at all with media with it either. It gets fed CMC,TY,MCC,Sony(whoever makes them) and Maxell's all the time without a problem. The CMC discs do have a much higher error rate than the TY's but its getting hard to get TY's cheap. The CMC's are free most of the time with rebates so I dont complain. I did notice that some firmwares burn alot better than others. The 6s0d firmware did better than the 6s0f firmware in my experience so you may try another firmware. Newest isnt always the best.
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