by aviationwiz on Fri Mar 26, 2004 4:33 pm
I voted under the "don't care" because that was the closest to what I think...
Having guns for hunting is fine by me, hunting is natrual, especially if you need the animal that you hunt for food, as per "home defense," once again, fine by me, keep it on your property, in your house, and use it on a burglar.
When it comes to carrying with you and concealing & carrying, that's where I draw the line. I'll be refering to the Minnesota "Conceal & Carry" Law here, because that's where I love, and I know most about that law. It makes it so that it is legal to carry your gun around with you anywhere, if you have the special license. Some areas such as public buildings, schools, etc. guns are banend from. You otherwise have to have a sign by the entrance stating that guns are banned on the premisis. I'd say just repeal the law alltogether, but to make it fair to those who do concel and carry, it should be something along the lines of, guns are banned everywhere, except where the building/property owner signs up onto a list with the state government saying that guns are allowed to be "concealed & carried" on the premisis. It would then be up to the person with the license to know where they can go with thier gun, and where they can't go with it.