1.0 ) can these files be read and played as audio.. on the 5005...
I am assuming that the 1000 number is a limit ....if this is so......
>> Yes. They are played as audio.
ie archived mp3s saved to DVD... on the 411s...
then place the DVD into the 5005. will it see the list (?up / over 100 files)
and PLAY THEM...
is there control over sort... order etc?..........
>> They are in alphabetical order. To navigate between tracks, you use the Next and Previous buttons. You cannot select them by track #.
2.0) can this machine 5005. record them onto the dvd..
as data files......... LIKE A 411s DOES....................
>> No. It does not have an MP3 encoder. Do any standalone (non-PC) based recorders have this ability? Just curious...
3.0) is there a standard to make a DVD audio disk........
>> There is software out there that will let you do it. Very pricey if I remember right.