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The need to be careful! stupid but funny at the same time :)

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The need to be careful! stupid but funny at the same time :)

Postby colt45 on Thu Mar 25, 2004 12:00 pm

I just installed a 52x Liteon today and after burning a disk and just playing around with things I left it at that, about half an hour ago, I was reading the review on the OptoRite DVD burner, and saw that Ian ran the Nero CD Speed program, fine I says to myself, curious as I am, I'll do the same thing. I put in the first and only burnt disk that I have done, one from a 25 pack 1media spindle, as soon as the door closes, this horrible scratching sound arises from the drive, fortunately it doesn't last long, but I notice that CD Speed aint working, the "start" button isn't highlighted!

OK now I'm starting to freak wondering what the hell is going on with my new drive! I get bad thoughts about having to return the thing already and having to deal with the frustrations and anger which this would cause for me. But first I open the drive and visualy check the disk in the tray, I close it again hope this would somehow help, no deal! The same noise happens again, and again the "start" button isn't highlighted, so I head over to the boards to find some posts about the drive and what might be the problem, but before I do, I thought I would check the disk one more time, lucky I did! what did I find to be the cause of the "drive failure"? well being the short-sighted fool that I am, I forgot to put the disk in the drive WITHOUT REMOVING THE CLEAR PLASTIC DISK THAT WAS ON TOP OF THE CDs!!!! :oops: I mean how stupid was that?

I'm just glad that it's not a serious problem (unless the drive was somehow damaged by this? the drive didn't spin up at all) so I thought it would be good to tell others what happened in case someone else strikes a similar "problem" and ends up feeling and looking a silly as I do :roll:

All the best,
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Postby MediumRare on Thu Mar 25, 2004 12:25 pm

LOL. :D :D

Take a break and have a cup of tea (or something stronger).

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Postby colt45 on Thu Mar 25, 2004 12:33 pm

Tell me about it :D, pitty I don't drink though lol
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Postby eliminator on Thu Mar 25, 2004 7:58 pm

I'd rather have that clearCD than stupid aolCD in my drive! :lol:
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Postby CDRecorder on Fri Mar 26, 2004 12:59 am

I did that to my 12x Lite-On CD-RW drive one time, and it didn't seem to damage the drive. In fact, that drive still works, several years later. :D
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Postby colt45 on Fri Mar 26, 2004 10:47 am

Glad to know I'm not the only one who did that :), I'm just lucky the thing didn't jam because of the "double CD"


Post 45! WOOHOO! :)
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Postby eliminator on Fri Mar 26, 2004 5:23 pm

actually, that "clear" CD has soothing music recorded on it... just listen carefully & in complete silence... ! :wink:
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