I've suddenly started to encounter a problem when I try to do a CD Disc to Disc Copy with Nero 6 and the LG GSA 4081b DVD writer.
I get the error message (taken from log)
#30 CDR -1067 File ThreadedTransferInterface.cpp, Line 1508
Invalid field in parameter
This happens if I try to burn both on the fly and not, regardless of media used.
I can burn a data file no problems but can't copy - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!
I had a problem with the drive yesterday when I was backing up some DVD material and the drive refused to spit out the disc, which in turn wouldn't work. It took 2 or 3 restarts and much persuasion to get it to get the useless disc back. Hasn't been the same since.
Nero been uninstalled and reinstalled 3 times to no avail