My Philips CDR 765 two-tray stand-alone (music CD) recorder (5 years old--yes, I was an early adopter) records just fine only on BLUE-bottomed music CD-R's (TDK 16x and slower, Maxell 32x and slower).
The newer SILVER-bottomed music CD-R's (TDK 32x and Maxell 40x) won't work reliably. 70% of the time the machine doesn't recognize them for recording. Other times it does, but often cuts off mid-recording (It will play them once they have been finalized). I found all this out the long, slow, and hard way.
Where can I still buy blue music CD-R's, or others that would work?? I got a few on the Internet, but others advertised/pictured as slower speed were the new fast speeds--the web page picture had simply not been updated.
Please note: we are talking about music CD-R's, on a stand-alone CD-R recorder. No computer is involved.