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When will dodecahedron pass cfitz in total posts ?

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Postby cfitz on Thu Mar 18, 2004 7:16 am

CowboySlim wrote:cfitz is killing us everywhere!

C'mon now, Slim, I don't kill anywhere. :wink: Although I would appreciate some blue roses... :o :wink:

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Postby dodecahedron on Thu Mar 18, 2004 11:36 am

cfitz wrote:Although I would appreciate some blue roses... :o :wink:

or chocolates?
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Postby cfitz on Thu Mar 18, 2004 6:05 pm

dodecahedron wrote:
cfitz wrote:Although I would appreciate some blue roses... :o :wink:

or chocolates?

Now you're just plain getting off topic. :wink: Although I do like chocolate...

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Postby dodecahedron on Thu Mar 18, 2004 6:55 pm

cfitz wrote:Now you're just plain getting off topic. :wink: Although I do like chocolate...

what kind of chocolates do you like?

:D i can't resist staying off topic...but i think that on this topic at least i'm entitled to :P
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Postby cfitz on Thu Mar 18, 2004 11:27 pm

I like many kinds of chocolate. When I was younger I only liked milk chocolate, but now I also enjoy dark chocolate. My favorite candy bar is Almond Joy:


Although, to be honest, I like Almond Joy more for the coconut and almonds than the chocolate. The chocolate is more of the finishing touch that holds it all together than the core of the product.

Right now I am treating myself to a Mary Sue Easter Egg. Well, actually I am treating myself to two: one chocolate butter cream and one vanilla butter cream. :oops: They are a local tradition, and they are sort of like extra-large chocolate truffles, which I really like.

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Postby CowboySlim on Fri Mar 19, 2004 12:14 am

cfitz wrote:
CowboySlim wrote:cfitz is killing us everywhere!

C'mon now, Slim, I don't kill anywhere. :wink: Although I would appreciate some blue roses... :o :wink:


Well, I guess that there are some circumstances under which I, too, would appreciate some blue roses. Now, if Alejandra were to.................

Slim :wink:
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Fri Mar 19, 2004 4:32 am

mmmm,. chocolate!

For the longest time, my favourite chocolate bar was a Mars Bar, but now I like more of an assortment of things. I'm pretty partial to a nice straight milk chocolate hershy's bar from time to time though. Sometimes you just can't mess with the basics :wink:
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Postby dodecahedron on Fri Mar 19, 2004 4:43 am

cfitz wrote:Although, to be honest, I like Almond Joy more for the coconut and almonds than the chocolate. The chocolate is more of the finishing touch that holds it all together than the core of the product.

:D :D :D two of a kind! :P :P :P
i too love the combination of chocolate + coconut!
although i've never eaten Almond Joy , i love Bounty.

when searching in vain for Bounty on the net for some pics (for some reason i can't find it in Mars' website!), came across this (a description of Almond Joy):
Similar to a Bounty, but with almonds on top. The Bounty was released in America (by Mars) a decade ago but it only lasted two years before it was withdrawn. When Americans think of coconut they automatically think: Almond Joy.
( http://www.cybercandy.co.uk/aaasmt/inde ... =12&xlc=74 ) :(

these are the only reasonable pics i cound find (and yeah i know they're lame)



here's a review.
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Postby dodecahedron on Fri Mar 19, 2004 5:20 am

and since we are on a tangent concerning chocolate, here is a very interesting article about the behind-the-scenes of the chocolate industry.
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Postby MediumRare on Fri Mar 19, 2004 8:21 am

dodecahedron's industry link wrote:... and today, Canadians will tell you Bounty is their favorite coconut bar. They've never heard of Mounds.

I've never heard of Almond Joy either, for that matter. I find Bounty to be a bit sweet for my taste. As a matter of fact, I don't eat much chocolate at all, but I can really pig out on marzipan and Halvah :D :D (I sometimes buy a kilogram of the stuff).

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Postby dolphinius_rex on Fri Mar 19, 2004 10:26 am

MediumRare wrote:
dodecahedron's industry link wrote:... and today, Canadians will tell you Bounty is their favorite coconut bar. They've never heard of Mounds.

I've never heard of Almond Joy either, for that matter. I find Bounty to be a bit sweet for my taste. As a matter of fact, I don't eat much chocolate at all, but I can really pig out on marzipan and Halvah :D :D (I sometimes buy a kilogram of the stuff).


I a happy to say that I am very well aquainted with Bounty, Almond Joy, Halva and Marzipan, since I moved to the U.S. for a short period of time not long after my birth, and spent some of my early childhood there, and my German heritage would not let go thruogh life without Marzipan, and the rest of my slavic heritage would not let me go without Halva.
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Postby dodecahedron on Fri Mar 19, 2004 10:38 am

i don't like marzipan.

what i do like, perhaps even more than chocolate+coconut, is chocolate+peppermint! :D :D :D

York Peppermint Patties; Nestle (yuck! formerly Rowntree) After Eight

<drool drool drool ....>
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Postby cfitz on Fri Mar 19, 2004 1:26 pm

Mmmmmm.... York Peppermint Pattie:


Dodecahedron, I can't believe the similarity of our candy tastes! :o York Peppermint Patties are my second favorite candy! As MediumRare wrote, coconut and chocolate candy bars like Bounty and Almond Joy are rather sweet. So when I don't feel like something really sweet I reach for a York Peppermint Pattie.

I also don't care for marzipan. However, I have only tried it once and perhaps it wasn't good quality since marzipan isn't very popular in America.

Curiously, as I child I hated both coconut and peppermint candy bars. But now they are my favorites. I wonder why?? Another curiousity is that both of my favorites are currently Hershey products that were formally Peter Paul products.

MediumRare, 1 kg of halva?!?!?!? That's a lot of halva! :wink:

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Postby MediumRare on Fri Mar 19, 2004 4:31 pm

cfitz wrote:MediumRare, 1 kg of halva?!?!?!? That's a lot of halva! :wink:

It lasted about a week and a half. I wanted to eat as much of the stuff as my heart desired without having to be considerate to others. 8) So when this Turkish supermarket opened and had Halva of various flavours at ca. 3 Euros per 500 g, i did it. It's amazing how little I got down in one sitting before being completely sated. But it was an interesting experience.:roll:

Incidentally, 500 g or 1 kg isn't all that much. They had 5 kg tubs there!

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Postby cfitz on Sun Mar 21, 2004 1:47 am

MediumRare wrote:Incidentally, 500 g or 1 kg isn't all that much. They had 5 kg tubs there!

I guess I spoke too soon when I accused you of eating a lot of halva, seeing as how I have recently come into possession of 0.9 kg of halva... :oops: But, at least now I can enjoy it like you! :D

Mmmmmm... halva!

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